Journey From The Darkside (bit Of A Journal Type Thing)

Let us know how you get on - keeping my toes crossed for you - can't type with fingers crossed -_-

Seffie x

Let us know how you get on - keeping my toes crossed for you - can't type with fingers crossed -_-

Seffie x


It's the only way I can type!

Well my test results were:
Ammonia = anything from zero to .25 (damn those similar colours)
Nitrite = a definite zero

Everything seems to be fine within the tank, no adverse reactions from any of the inhabitants and all the corals seem to be as normal (including the leather unfortunately).

Luckily because of my absence yesterday the tank didn't get fed so that would have kept the bio load down a bit.

30% water change performed a little while ago.

I've ordered some Nitrate Minus as a quick fix so I'll see what happens once that arrives.

All in all I think I got away with it by the skin of my teeth.
Why are you turning powerheads and filters off, please explain your reasoning behind this practice.
Just curious
Why are you turning powerheads and filters off, please explain your reasoning behind this practice.
Just curious

Well it's mainly due to the all in one nature of the filtration system BigC.

When I'm feeding I turn the filter off to save food getting caught in there before being eaten. This also allows the scooter to find the food easier as it settles on the substrate (he's either daft or lazy and always eats better like this). I leave the filter off for about 20mins to give the guys a chance to eat then turn it back on again.

Because of the nature of the filter construction, I have to turn the additional powerhead off as well otherwise it drains the filter chambers and fills the tank with bubbles.
I also turn off the skimmer although I've now been leaving this off for a much longer period while I'm feeding phyto.

I've always understood this was the best way to feed the tank but I'm always open to constructive criticism or other ideas :good:
I too have a Scooter Blenny (Dragonet) and I leave everything running. I feed live BBS to him and other fish and corals and theres never a problem. Filters and Skimmers need cleaning out periodically anyhow so although nothing wrong with what your doing, I dont really see the need for such practices. It would certainly take away the human error part of things if you had a timer rigged up to the system, but IMHO I dont see the need.
Try leaving things on an closely monitor the dragonets feeding habits.
Hmm that's interesting BigC.

Do you find you have a build up of food in your filters? I was putting this down as a possible contributory factor in my current nitrates problem. Also the scooter just always seemed so darned slow that he could never catch as much food when there was a current in the tank.

I totally agree that it would cut the chance of further human error out and am happy to revert back to old practices if it doesn't effect my tank stats.

As I said I have also had my skimmer off a bit recently along with my UV due to feeding phyto. Any personal experience on this?
I dont use UV. I do employ a sump, but the first chamber acts like a filter, sponges etc, Yes it does get excess stuff in there, which I do have to perform maintenance on from time to time. I never switch off my skimmer at all. I do employ a starvation day even with a dragonet in the tank. Maybe your feeding too much, sort of overcompensating knowing that the dragonet has to get some food and overdoing things abit ultimately leading to nitrate issues. Maybe more cleanup crew erring on the detrius side of things like Nass and Cerith snails. My Cleaner shrimp also do a lot of the legwork in cleaning up access.
Off topic question,are Scooter Blennys easier to feed than Mandarins? if they are the same i might consider buying a Mandarin as my LFS has loads of them for £19.99 each and they are chomping frozen foods!
If they're feeding on frozen food I'd opt for a Mandarin, but only if you've seen them feeding. And not just Brineshrimp unless you purchase a vitamin enriched spray specifically for frozen food.
And only purchase one unless you can get a definate pair.
All dragonets are equally as difficult to feed IMO. The problem I have found with my scooter blenny isnt that he doest eat frozen food its that he just doesnt get chance to get to much of it. This means I have to target feed him every day, while he is totally worth it, it does become a real pain in the ####.
gorgeous looking tank, have recently set my orca up and am hoping to have it looking as nice as yours one day! lol
quick my tank im having problems with the rear 3 compartments on the left filling up with water and overflowing.
removed the spray bar but it lowers too much so thought about gettin a maxi jet 900 replacement pump to sort the problem....did you have this problem too?!?! if so how did you resolve it?! cheers!
gorgeous looking tank, have recently set my orca up and am hoping to have it looking as nice as yours one day! lol
quick my tank im having problems with the rear 3 compartments on the left filling up with water and overflowing.
removed the spray bar but it lowers too much so thought about gettin a maxi jet 900 replacement pump to sort the problem....did you have this problem too?!?! if so how did you resolve it?! cheers!

Curious why you would want to remove the spray bar ?

Seffie x


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