Alrighty, Thanks colin for checking the post without giving me earful "Boy, come here, do you know word called 'overstocking'. that too fish like killifish, what next? you will keep sharks in bucket?". etc etc.
Now the killfish batch is in 20 Gallon , its kindof heavily planted on bottom, i have simply mashed all kind of plantshoots which were floating in my 46G goldfish tank, I have kept some dwarf-sag, lots of water wisteria shoots and cabomba coralina shoots just to give this killies some cover when they go at it. also kept some moss with a decoration, that decoration has become home of one bull killie male, he protects it like a fort and goes all colourful if any female enters it.
Will update video of that too. I think this new tank maybe too huge, or maybe not. advice me on that as you see the vid later.