Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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Shelagh u got him! nice. he is sweeeeeet.

lol. i was just waiting for someone to tell me which number i was. i couldn't be bothered to figure it out on my own :lol:

So u named him Merlin, Minx? he is very sweet as well. much of the same coloring as Pumba :good:
here's some better and newer pics of Thor


here's his buddy the severum which has yet to be named
Thor is awesome. How big is he? Looks pretty hefty from those pics

Here are a few more of Timone and Pumba that i took last night. Pumba is really sulky still...... I'm not sure what is up with him :rolleyes:. The BP has to go get him out of hiding constantly :lol: . He's actually just been laying around all day hiding... I hope everything is still ok with him.



he's about 8 inches long and less than a year old. He eats nothing but peas and cooked shrimp.
i've never seen an oscar with that type of coloration. was that one unique to the rest of the ones in the shop? your oscar will be fine eventually.
he's about 8 inches long and less than a year old. He eats nothing but peas and cooked shrimp.
i've never seen an oscar with that type of coloration. was that one unique to the rest of the ones in the shop? your oscar will be fine eventually.
Just peas and cooked shrimp? wow. lol, a bit spoiled with the shrimp eh? :p

He was certainly the most unique guy there. Petsmart believe it or not..... I normally would have gotten one from a higher end LFS here, but their O's weren't nearly as appealing.

There were 2 or 3 with similar coloring throughout the entire body, but not as good as Pumba. Certainly not a standard shipment of O's for them.
he gives me a mean look if i try to feed him something else. the cost is about the same anyways.
good find on pumba. i bought mine at petco, but a week later i saw some way better looking ones at petsmart. still, no regrets.
well Day-Day is now in his own tank, i have ripped out all the plants and he has some stones and wood to play with, i still have a lot of work to do on the tank,(change tha backing to black-etc) but i wanted to get him out of jambos, as he was starting to have a go with him,the heater in the tank packed in,so i had to nick the 300W from the krib tank over night ( the light on that tanks stays really warm) and i left him looking " dead" infact i moved him twice with the net to make sure he was ok :( got up early to check him, and he was swimming around,so i turned on the hallway lights then the tank lights, and hes having another strop now.. but hes ok thats the main thing :) hes about the 5 inch mark,and is very handsome i must say, hes got a silver dollar for company, as when the other fish went yesterday the silver dollar went mad, trying to dig into the corners,so i told the guy i wasnt going to stress him out anymore he would have to stay,but was fine when i netted him and brought him downstairs last night,anyway hes staying for now :) Jambo looks chuffed to have his tank back- which im going to make into a little cell for him,after his performance yesterday ( jumped out of the tank) will just need to find some suitable padding for the walls :lol: anyway heres a pic of Day-Day sulking this morning..hope he snaps out of it soon :)


there are some mighty fine oscars in this club now :) Remz... yours is going to be a stunner when hes big, well,he already is :)
lol wow you've been busy Shelagh. Thx for the compliment

That's a good pic. Day-Day is way different than what I've seen as far as albinos go. Good find for sure.

I'm glad mine isn't the only new guy acting like a pouting 5 y/o kid right now :lol: . I honestly think the ceiling fan being on upset him :rolleyes:
so do these oscars have 'types' i mean i know theres tiger oscars etc but what are the white and orange ones, and what are mine? (thought they were tigers but they dont have the red/orange, just yellow and black?)

ah aint day-day sweet? why the name day-day though?! bizarre but original!

i have an ex boyfriend called Thor lol!
OK Merlin has a white patch on his bottom lip - doesnt look fluffy or anything like that and no matter what I do, I cant get his food to him, the damn silver dollars are so fast and Merlin appears to be blind as he never seems to see the pellets i drop in for him, even though hes looking directly at em!!!

Gonna do a water change hope the white isnt anything too worrying and try again with getting some food to him, any advice please???
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