Job Interview

Have always worked in retail but never in a fish shop. Just be yourself & you will be fine, dont pretend that you know more than you do - you will always be caught out.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
I'm trying to get a job at the LFS to put myself through college.. :*)

I just graduated with my masters and am thinking of a job at the LFS until I find a full time job. :whistle:

No, I don't think temptation would be too big of a deal...Being at a fish store would be like having a 30+ of your own tanks!
phishluvr said:
I'm trying to get a job at the LFS to put myself through college.. :*)

I just graduated with my masters and am thinking of a job at the LFS until I find a full time job. :whistle:

No, I don't think temptation would be too big of a deal...Being at a fish store would be like having a 30+ of your own tanks!
Until you go to feed every tank and that one fish comes right up to you and gives you "the look"

"Take me home! Take me home!"

Then as soon as you get off work you have to buy him. :p You also divert customers from looking at him so they won't want to buy him... :whistle: :lol:
I will do not to worry :)

Im quite nervous now..... Been going through waves of happy then very nervous, then happy again :)

i hope you do well in the interview,good luck :thumbs:
i work 1or 2 days at a local fish shop,i dont get payed much and i dont work full time because im not of legal age to get a proper job,....8months and 74 days untill i can get a proper one :D
the reason i got it,was because i was having an argument with a worker there who was trying to sell a clown loach and a silver shakr to someone with a 2 foot the boss saw howmuch i knew and fired the guy and hired me :D
that was my interview
i mainly just feed the fish before the store opens and clean the tank but i dont serve any customers because they're not suppossed to know im working there :p + i dont know how to tie the bags properly yet

good luck
Dwarf_Dude said:
i hope you do well in the interview,good luck :thumbs:
i work 1or 2 days at a local fish shop,i dont get payed much and i dont work full time because im not of legal age to get a proper job,....8months and 74 days untill i can get a proper one :D
the reason i got it,was because i was having an argument with a worker there who was trying to sell a clown loach and a silver shakr to someone with a 2 foot the boss saw howmuch i knew and fired the guy and hired me :D
that was my interview
i mainly just feed the fish before the store opens and clean the tank but i dont serve any customers because they're not suppossed to know im working there :p + i dont know how to tie the bags properly yet

good luck
When I first started working at the LPS I was like, "OMG I don't know how to get the air in the bags and tie them!"

But all you have to do is close the bag tight and make sure there is a little air and then tie a knot. :lol:
I found the bag thing quite easy!! we don't tie knots at work we use rubber bands.

make the bag stand up as much as poss with the biggest volume, grab near the top, twist it a few times, wrap the band round, fold the top over then wrap the band round a few more times.

and for those "special" customers you put a few extra wraps of the band to make it extra difficult to get in or you use a few bands....

when is the date bunjiweb?
Paul_MTS said:
I found the bag thing quite easy!! we don't tie knots at work we use rubber bands.

make the bag stand up as much as poss with the biggest volume, grab near the top, twist it a few times, wrap the band round, fold the top over then wrap the band round a few more times.

and for those "special" customers you put a few extra wraps of the band to make it extra difficult to get in or you use a few bands....

when is the date bunjiweb?
We used rubber bands sometimes too when they were available, but I found tieing the bag in a knot was easier and took less time, especially when a crowd came in and they all wanted fish. :p

One time this couple came in and wanted livebearers so they can raise fry so they picked out some male guppies and some female and I told her you probably don't even need the males, these females already look pregnant. They were so happy, they acted like it was their own children or something. :lol:

The new guy that got hired after I did blew air into the bag. :lol:
Heh, we get this old geezer come in and just buys about 10 guppies everytime but he'll fall asleep infront of the tank standing up :lol:

Our customers are "special" there either on drugs or dealing them :lol: but there the ones that care and usually know the most about the fish.

Hmmm blowing into the bags thats an odd one, for my first few days i was handing out saggy wrapped bags!!
Damn, i think Trimar must hate me - last baggie I had from them had 6 elastic bands on :rofl:

Yep, good luck Ben!!! You must let us know how you get on. As someone who does interview people, all i can say is always be positive. Don't slag off previous employers / work experience / schools etc - pick out the positive stuff. Be honest like ' it wasn't for me' or 'the manager and i disagreed' but remember you're trying to convince a potential new boss that you're a reasonable human being who's worked well elsewhere. Before you answer anything take a couple of seconds to think about what you're going to say - don;t let the first thing you think of come out of your mouth. Employers like the fact that you're thinking, and that you're not so arrogant that you're coming out with anything. Also, try and think of a couple of questions to ask them - either about the development of the LFS or about your terms and conditions - ie further training, funding of magazines to keep yourself up to date, do they belong to Aquatic Retailer trade associations etc. If you find they've answered all your questions, just say 'I was going to ask you about xxxxxx, but you've already covered that' and smile. Again, this shows that you were thinking seriously about the job and your future with the company.

But you don't need this - I know you'll do great!!

Paul_MTS said:
Heh, we get this old geezer come in and just buys about 10 guppies everytime but he'll fall asleep infront of the tank standing up :lol:

Our customers are "special" there either on drugs or dealing them :lol: but there the ones that care and usually know the most about the fish.

Hmmm blowing into the bags thats an odd one, for my first few days i was handing out saggy wrapped bags!!
I handed out like 2 saggy bags because I tied the knot so tight and couldn't untie it to get more air in. :lol: I don't work there anymore though, I quit.

There was this nice old man that came in though and he couldn't talk very well but he was so sweet. He also couldn't read very well either. He wanted a male and female of any kind of fish. When the label said "marble" he thought it said male. I just nodded my head and showed him more fish. I couldn't tell him it said marble. He was just so sweet. :wub: It ends up he works at the gas station about 2 minutes from my house. I go visit him sometimes and talk about his fish. He got a 75 gallon and a 100 gallon from his friend for free! So he bought some pretty angels for it. He takes really good care of them too. :thumbs:

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