Well hello again to everyone, after what i think is about 6 months since i have been here and i know what your all thinking, 'has he finished that bl*%dy tank yet?' and 'where are the pictures'. Well the tank has been stagnant since then and i put all that time and money into it without finishing it. I have now decided to give myself a kick up the backside and sort it right out so this weekend i cleaned the sump out and put fresh water in it, finished the pipework (the outlet) and conected everthing up.
One thing that was holding me up was my drift wood, it had been soaking for months in a bucket and every week or two i would change the water as i didnt want it tanning the water so i got a rather large metal earn and boiled the stuff two hours solid. After it had cooled i have placed it in the tank trying my hardest to use the goldern rule 1:1.618 (see Aqua Journal Vol.34) to get a balance that is easy on the eye. I will sort out some pics in the next couple of days.
I have also ordered my plants from
http/www.birstall.co.uk/ as recommended by George today which will arive on Saturday 1st April (damm, April fools day, maybe i might get a tree or nothing at all!)
So the plants that i have decided on are as follows:
Echindodorus Tenellus (pigmy chain sword plant) i ordered 4 pots
Alternath Reineckii (red copper leafed Alternanthera) 1 pot
Rotala Roundifolia (small rotala) 1 pot
Hygrophila polysperma (dwarf hygrophila) 2 pots
Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce) portion
I might have to order some more pigmy chain as i'm not sure if this will be enough! if anyone knows what the the pots are like from birstall please let me know
So next weekend i have told my dad i'm not working, the misus is away and i have the house to myself and hopefully be at one with the tank!
I'll let you know