Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 2 (rio 180 - 40g)

thanks everyone.

Cheesyfeet - thanks for the links. i'll definatly consider them, all depeds on cabinet style and cost once thats added in (i think that price is for tank only). i appreciate the heads up though.
Yea its only for the tank but its about £100.00 cheaper than other companys B)
some current pics

firstly my forground sandscape courtesy of Tom, (common plec) i have not touched the sand at all between these pics (a week apart)

my handiwork

and toms

he he i think i prefer his. it's quite fun watching him digging about and moving sand. better than TV

random close up


Angel & Flying Fox

community shot

another random (i like this one)

another angel shot

and a moonlight shot

hope you like.

Fantastic! Looks very clean and healthy. I think the sand works well.
Haha, now that's a chunky Flying fox!
thanks mate,

he/she's over 3 yrs old now. i've kept him well fed. i cant believe it's energy, constantly zinging about disrupting everyone else.
I like Tom's handywork. He should enter a tank into the PFK contest. 40g's a might small for a common pleco (This is my "That's a no-no" remark for the day), but I gotta do what I gotta do. I won't mention it anymore. :angel:

It is great to finally see an update for this one, and it's great seeing you here more often, Jimbooo. How old is that angel? A stunner for sure. I've got two in my 36g, but yours has that pretty, extended finnage, whereas I opted for one with the shorter, natural finnage. Looks great. It's starting to get that mature look. Thicker body, etc. Mine are too.

Beautiful tank.

Hi llj

the tanks just about 3 years old and the plec and angel were tiny when put in so i guess both are about 3 1/2 yrs.

a 400 or 450L tank is replacing the 40G within the next 6 months so i am aware of the size problem. TBH tom was the first fish i bought so had no idea what i was doing at the time.

as to the PFK contest, i am entering. in your opinion whats the best look mine or toms, i'm torn between the two
As aquascaping goes, I think your layout is best, however it is a shame as Tom is only doing what comes naturally and its a great example of how fish change quite literally affect a scape. Unfortunately, that I don't think will sit very well when they judge the competition.

As aquascaping goes, I think your layout is best, however it is a shame as Tom is only doing what comes naturally and its a great example of how fish change quite literally affect a scape. Unfortunately, that I don't think will sit very well when they judge the competition.


I agree with Sam. No sense entering a pleco's design. It would make the judges feel bad knowing that a fish scapes better than most of them do. :lol:

Besides what would Tom do with 250 quid from Tropica? I guess get bogwood and pleco tablets, maybe some marimbo balls...Mmmm marimbo balls...

llj :lol:

PS: 400-450l, now that's a pleco paradise. Tom will live better than most of us will. How big is your angel in inches? Not including finnage. I'm trying to gage growth.
4 inches at a guess top to bottom and front to back.

he has loads of bogwood (all plants are tied to it, not that you can see any!) plus a marimo moss ball carpet behind the fern. i didn't want to use it in the scape but left it for the fish just out of sight.
Your tank is great Jimbooo, I also like the plec.

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