Fish Crazy
Well, I rushed home to find my Live Aquaria plant package waiting for me. After two hours of fiddling around with water, plants, and various equipment... I have my 72G tank planted. Below are some tank pictures.
The plant contents are:
Dwarf Hairgrass (3x)
Anubias Nana (2x) - attached to rocks
Chain Sword (2x)
Java Fern (3x) - attached to driftwood
Cryptocoryne Wendtii (3x)
Water Sprite (2x)
Red Ludwigia (3x)
Wisteria (1x)
Anacharis (4x)
Cabomba (4x)
Amazon Sword (2x)
Here are some closeups of each section. . .
Left Corner
Middle Left
Middle Right
Right Corner (looks like someone is being nosey)
The plant contents are:
Dwarf Hairgrass (3x)
Anubias Nana (2x) - attached to rocks
Chain Sword (2x)
Java Fern (3x) - attached to driftwood
Cryptocoryne Wendtii (3x)
Water Sprite (2x)
Red Ludwigia (3x)
Wisteria (1x)
Anacharis (4x)
Cabomba (4x)
Amazon Sword (2x)
Here are some closeups of each section. . .
Left Corner
Middle Left
Middle Right
Right Corner (looks like someone is being nosey)