Java Fern Question

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Mostly New Member
Sep 17, 2013
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So I just got some Java Fern to put in my tank. I used some black sewing thread to tie it to some rocks and things in the tank. I was wondering how long should I expect before it has attached itself to the rocks and the thread is no longer necessary. 
Can take a while, weeks to months, depends a lot on the growing conditions.
Don't worry, as the tread(assuming it is cotton) will rot away after the Fern has taken full hold. So just leave it.
DevotedToDiscus said:
Don't worry, as the tread(assuming it is cotton) will rot away after the Fern has taken full hold. So just leave it.
+1    when i thread a fern down i generally will never touch it again, unless the thread has detached and needs to be removed. 
Cool. I like how the tank is coming along. My only other successful live plant experience had been some swords that I just stuck in the gravel and proceeded to grow like weeds. These are the first plants I've had that needed to be tied to something.
I just glue mine on. Superglue works fine so long as it's pure stuff.
Yea I recently began glueing after some real success with moss, I doubt I will tie anything on again.
How does the superglue work? Doesn't everything being wet make it so it doesn't stick?
You'd think so but it actually dries instantly on contact with water.  I have the best results when both surfaces are as dry as possible, apply a tiny smear of glue and bring them together quickly before the glue dries.  Hold for a few seconds and as soon as the two parts stick together you can put it straight in the tank.
It does go white in water, just to warn you.
Is this using normal hardware store superglue or is this a special type of aquarium superglue that does not leach any chemicals to tank water once in tank?
Anything with 100% cyanoacrylate.
I notice not even having to have dry surfaces, I will stick wet plant to wet rock with a little superglue on it and blam, instant bond.   Yea there is some whiteness from the glue at first but i have noticed it go away fairly quickly as the plant starts growing.   This trick works WONDERS with moss.
When you say just 100% cyanoacrylate. Does that mean just that alone on the bottle label.
Just that I have hard time finding superglue with just cyanoacrylate on it. 
The closest I have found is Loctite Super Glue and lists on label : Ethyl - 2 - Cyanoacrylate.
Is that safe to use or a no no?
I know in the marine world superglue is used by almost every coral keeper and from what I have seen and read, Loctite is known to be one of the safe brands.  A lot of people actually use it in gel form, and the gorilla super glue gel as well, as those brands have really good applicators, and the gel is a bit easier to work with.  Also the good ol' "Super Glue" brand is also a favorite as it is cheap.

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