Quick update, not been on this space for a while. I'll add the pictures to the original post.
Added more plants and more wood, and removed the rocks. I'm all for the natural look now, got the Cabomba growing nicely. Java fern on some of the wood. Got some Amazon Sword in their aswell and some sort of Vallis (although this seems to be a the peril of the BA Tetra's) speaking of which are doing very well, shoaling nicely and are very active and nice to watch. I've added some Neons from my other tank which i'm shutting down in so they can get in with the Cardinal's which are now nicely fed and coloured.
The 4 Firemouths are still in their.
Not seen any immediate pairing signs except the odd flare, what should I be looking for?. They are doing well though, nicely coloured and a beautiful fish as we all know. Keyhole's are doing fine, minding their own. Male Apisto, my prize fish haha, doing well. Thanks to everyone who voted for him when he won FOTM January
I rehomed the last Gold Stripe Corydoras, as I couldn't fit to up the shoal that I lost. A I didn't fancy paying again. The L202 Plec is doing well, comes out to feed in the morning with everyone else and goes back and minds his own during the day.
However, I think I could of lost my female Apisto
She was severely under fed a few weeks ago, so I was catching her and hand feeding her in one of those breeding trap things, I thought she was on the mend so i released her back in the tank, but 5 days later I haven't seen her at all. Think the Pleco may have got rid of her body.
Other than that, still using all the same equipment, except I changed Ferts from that Tropica stuff to Seacham Excel.