Another quick update.....
Well i went ahead with the change this afternoon, took out the java fern wood and replaced it with some micranthemum umbrosum that ianho kindly donated (thanks once again mate
Planting went quite well, bunched 4-6 stems and planted a rough 1-2cm apart, the final planting didn't have to be that accurate as the plant will fill out (hopefully) so it will give a nice hedge/bush effect at the back.
The original plan was to remove the filter and just use the powerhead, i haven't yet got any live stock so having a filter isn't a necessity. However, the powerhead was way to powerful for the umbrosum, and as soon as i had filled the tank and switch it on it ripped most of what i had planted up
... so for now again it's back to just the internal rena filstar, im hoping dropping the filtration down from 1500lph to 350lph (still a very strong current in a 10litres tank), isn't going to have any major detrimental problems to the HC but time will tell.
Well now for the pics.... it's very rough planted as i said but it 'should' fill out nicely to form what i hope will be a lovely wall at the back of the tank......
sorry again for the bad quality
Now pics of it filled...
Thanks again for looking