Jake's Nano

cheers Jake, i like Hc, i have found it grows well with the right distribution and fert regime. It grew well for me in my nano without C02.

I do like moss carpets though...

If you want me to remove these pics i will, but have you seen this moss carpet in a low light?



(Sabat, 2005)

can be stunning!
cheers Jake, i like Hc, i have found it grows well with the right distribution and fert regime. It grew well for me in my nano without C02.

I do like moss carpets though...

can be stunning!

Ive done the HC carpet in low light, low tech a few times and it surprising did well on all occasions , it's been a while now since trying it though. Maybe properly on my next co2 enriched tank ...Hmmm now i'm thinking of a new tank lol.

I agree moss carpets do look good, i haven't seen the pics you posted before but i have to agree the carpet looks stunning.

No need to remove the pics mate.... it will remind me of how green a carpet should look like lol... keep me on my toes :p.

May actually try a java moss carpet and as i mentioned earlier... it can always be replaced if i dont like the look.

Cheers for the pics mate.... i think you may have just convinced me :)

Btw mate... have you got the link to the actual page with them pics?.. cheers :)
Hi all.. just a quick update ;)

Well..... from seeing Ian's (Ianho) lovely tank and seeing how lush his HC is... i decided against the moss idea to try my hand at it again myself ;). Ive always had good results with it in the past on NON-co2 tanks and with any luck i will continue to do so in this little nano.

Ive added a cheap little 2000lph wave maker (more like 1000lph) because i didn't feel substrate level had enough flow... it certainly has now lol... hopefully with this and the slightly overdosing of ferts with 50-60% water changes daily for a few weeks... the HC will settle quite quick and carpet nicely... time will tell :).

Anyways enough of my rambling ... a few pics of it planted...

BTW... yes Ian, i went for the lazy way of planting :p.... well i didn't have a choice, with so much flow now it would have just lifted if planted individually.

Sorry for the bad pics.....







Thanks for looking :good:
I reckon that'll fill out nicely!

Some micranthemum umbrosum would look nice across the middle there. I need to get some stamps, and i'm working all week and on holiday the week after, so i hope you can wait a couple of weeks?

ps, laziness is the way forward.
I reckon that'll fill out nicely!

Some micranthemum umbrosum would look nice across the middle there. I need to get some stamps, and i'm working all week and on holiday the week after, so i hope you can wait a couple of weeks?

ps, laziness is the way forward.

Cheers mate, yeh hopefully it will fill out nicely.. fingers crossed anyways lol.

It's fine about the M. umbrosum, im in no hurry :good: , with me adding this HC now, i may actually take the java fern out and add it to the original tank it was going into, the umbrosum will then be a nice background plant to replace it and i will then see about adding some rocks or bogwood as a focal point (may even go for the original iwagumi style with a twist lol)... will just see how this HC goes first :).

I'll agree on the laziness comment lol... it certainly saves time even if i had no choice but do it this way ;)

Hope it does well for you, love HC.

Thanks mate, HC is a lovely plant and hopefully it will do well

Thanks again guys for the comments :good:
Hi all... just thought i would do a quick update.....

Nothing much has happened, java fern is constantly throwing new plants out, ive trimmed over the time a few more of the original worse affected leaves, will just leave that now to fill out.

The HC has grown, albeit very very slow lol, ive had a few bit's come away from the substrate which have been replanted...it's expected tbh with around 1500lph flow rate in an 10-12l tank :fun: ... the tank is dosed with a TPN+ mix only, no co2 supplements at all, just 50-80% water changes daily at the moment, will eventually drop to 50-80% twice a week.

Over all it's going as planned, not sure how the HC will do long term or even if it will form a carpet but for now even though slow it's doing ok.. time will tell :)

Sorry about the rubbish pics, will try get better ones next time.






the plants are looking healthy. The Hc will take off i'm sure, i find it goes crazy all of a sudden. What is the stock going to be?
the plants are looking healthy. The Hc will take off i'm sure, i find it goes crazy all of a sudden. What is the stock going to be?

Cheers mate, the HC is actually doing better than i expected tbh beings that it has no co2 supplements at all.

Stocking wise... was originally shrimp.... either CRS, blue tiger shrimp or a mix of amano, tigers and cherry. Now im not sure if there is going to be any stocking lol, could just be a planted tank but..... if the stocking goes ahead (it probably will do) it will be the stocking mentioned above :good:.
Another quick update.....

Well i went ahead with the change this afternoon, took out the java fern wood and replaced it with some micranthemum umbrosum that ianho kindly donated (thanks once again mate :good: ).

Planting went quite well, bunched 4-6 stems and planted a rough 1-2cm apart, the final planting didn't have to be that accurate as the plant will fill out (hopefully) so it will give a nice hedge/bush effect at the back.

The original plan was to remove the filter and just use the powerhead, i haven't yet got any live stock so having a filter isn't a necessity. However, the powerhead was way to powerful for the umbrosum, and as soon as i had filled the tank and switch it on it ripped most of what i had planted up :rolleyes: ... so for now again it's back to just the internal rena filstar, im hoping dropping the filtration down from 1500lph to 350lph (still a very strong current in a 10litres tank), isn't going to have any major detrimental problems to the HC but time will tell.

Well now for the pics.... it's very rough planted as i said but it 'should' fill out nicely to form what i hope will be a lovely wall at the back of the tank......

sorry again for the bad quality :blush:



Now pics of it filled...





Thanks again for looking :)
that will be interisting when it fills out. As you say a hedge effect will be different. Have you though of putting any Parva in there, you could get a nano Dutch going on in there. :good:
Looking good, was thinking once its all grown in it may need something to break it up to make it look more natural, just an idea but was thinking it may look like a perfect straight line between plants. Maybe a few rocks or something, I dunno, ignore me.
that will be interisting when it fills out. As you say a hedge effect will be different. Have you though of putting any Parva in there, you could get a nano Dutch going on in there. :good:

LOL, interesting is what i want to try an achieve ;), the plant is ideal to get a good hedge/bush look.. weather it does or not, we will have to wait and see.

I do like dutch scapes, i dont think i can do it justice in this size tank though, i really do think it would suffer from no co2 supplements, maybe in a bigger tank for the future... would love to give it a good go again.

I do plan on adding some sort of hardscape, probably rocks.. when i can find some that suit.

Looking good, was thinking once its all grown in it may need something to break it up to make it look more natural, just an idea but was thinking it may look like a perfect straight line between plants. Maybe a few rocks or something, I dunno, ignore me.

Cheers for the comment mate, i totally agree about it needing to be broken up, i have been searching for some little rocks that i like but to no avail yet, it will probably end up been an iwagumi setup with a twist lol but again what it ends up looking like is a completely different story.

I will probably get another couple of pots of HC just to fill in the gaps a little more and once i have found some rocks that i think will suit, hopefully it will finish it off nicely, maybe? lol.

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