Jad Hs-60 130L 150W Mh Light (Buyo 550 Clone)


New Member
Dec 11, 2008
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Having bought my second hand JAD HS-60 Nano tank of e-bay a couple of weeks ago I, for some mad reason, have decided to keep a journal.
I have had and wrestled with my costum built wall unit for nearly 3 years now, and having just got it right not only does the wife want to redesign the kitchen she is also a little dissappointed in the lack of successful corals (which is where we agree) so I am very willingly swapping to a nano tank to increase the Reef element of my Marine hobby. As I mentioned I have bought a JAD which is effectively a Boyu 550 but with a Metal Halide light and some other minor differences, but without a stand or filter media. This may be quite a long and protracted process as i wish to donate alot of my existing rock etc to the new tank but have some issues which I will come onto in due course.
I will post some pics of my wall tank in the next couple of days and then you will see its gradual strip down and the build up of the nano.
So in the last 2 weeks I have made various purchases as follows
JAD HS-60 Tank - (no stand) £99.99 from Fleebay
UG Plates - LFS - £8.99.
Argonite Sand - LFS - 20lb - £27.00
Minor Filter Equipment - LFS - £5.00
Woo hoo, a new tank journel to watch and admire :good:

When you say UG plates, do you mean egg crate, you dont mean the old under gravel filter plates do you?

Seffie x
Yes I do mean that old fashioned UG system, for 2 reasons, throughout my time keeping tropricals on and off for the last 20 years and in the last 3 years of Marine this good old fashioned method has served me well. I will use the powerhead with a flow diverted to create extra random current through my live rock and get the added advantage of the biological filtration through my sand for free. Old fashioned maybe, and thats just me, but i think it is simple and effective.
Today i bought 2 Peppermint shrimps to deal with the Apatasia problem in the WALL tank before i move the live rock into the NANO tank, on close inspection this evening i cannot find my 2 new acquisitions, not to worried yet, but what i have notice in my detailed inspection is
'I AM COMPLETED OVER RUN BY BRISTLE WORMS, THEY ARE IN EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY' what can i do. I will remove the rock and treat it peice by peice if necessary, i have read loads of suggestions but some of them seem like old wives tailse. HELP !!!!!! I dont want to take an infestation of bristle worms to my new tank in the rock. Would rather bin it and start with fresh stuff if necessary, or am i worrying to much. These huge marine set ups that have been running for years must also be teaming with these invaders.

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