Hi guys, Sorry Ive been AWOL for a few weeks but you know how it is with life and love etc.
So a few things have been going on with my tank, First thing to up date on is my White Spot issue. So basically I removed the Royal Gramma and she has been in a QT for about a month. She looks really good now and has kicked the infection. The rest of the tank mates are still in the DT and all look fine with no spots and no symptoms. Sweet!!
I just need to work out if I should risk putting the Royal Gramma back in the DT, or give her back to the LFS??? Just don’t want to risk her getting stressed out again as I think she didn’t get on with my Coral Beauty? Unless I add some more rocks at the front of the tank that she might call home? not sure?
Anyhow I have introduced some more live rock, an elegance coral, feather duster, cleaner shrimp and chaeto.
This is the elegance when I first got it
This is it about a month old and in a more shaded place, as it didn’t like being in direct light for some reason.
This is my cleaner shrimp Jed messing with my feather duster, which to be honest is something Im not too happy about as I’ve noticed recently the feather are looking a little floppy? Not sure if it is related Jed’s vigorous cleaning raceme?
Side angle…
And this is how its sort of looking nowadays.
The chaeto was added when a few weeks ago I got some cyano on the sand, that went away after some water changes and adding the chaeto etc.
The future plans are to buy a RO unit, change the bulbs and buy an LPS…cant decide on hammer or torch…if anyone is fragging please let me know! Cheers.
I’ve recently ordered a bright blue moonlight from Fleabay so Im looking to mod the lid to install it. Pics to follow.
Ok well thats me for the minute, any thoughts or criticisms are always very welcome...cheers guys