Jack Dempsey Tank Mates?


New Member
Jul 29, 2012
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New Jersey
Ive got a 29 gallon set up with one small juvenile Jack Dempsey and a medium size pleco. (i have a 6 foot 125 gallon tank for when their larger) Was just looking for some ideas for Tank Mates. Any suggestions?
Seeing as you have a singleton this makes having companions a bit easier, seeing as you won't have a possible pair, so you avoid any breeding aggression.

I've found Dempseys reputations to be rather exaggerated. Yes, they are a cichlid, and thus can have a somewhat boisterous temperament at times. However, i have kept a few now and have yet to have one that was 'nasty' so to say. I've kept all mine with shoaling species, i had a group of Rummy-nose Tetra's for 2 years with mine. I kept these with a breeding pair too, and had no issues. Seeing as you have a 125G for them when they are bigger you have some great options for companions. First, you need to ask yourself what you'd like to achieve with your tank.

-Are you wanting a group of other singleton cichlids, or do you want the focus to be your Jack?
-Are you wanting to go for a natural tank, based somewhat on the Jack (and plec) natural environment, or anything goes?

anything goes really. just a few different fish to make the tank a little more interesting. im not looking for something where i need 10 of em like a tiger barb. like fish where i can get one of those, two of those, and one of those. a little variety ya know. but my JD is my fav so nothing thats gonna potentially hurt him
Well, sounds like your after some more singleton cichlids then ideally. You could get a group of one type maybe, the small species atleast. Firemouths would make an interesting group, as they wouldn't get too big to compete with your Jack. He's be more than capable of fending for himself. An alternative to Firemouths, would be Ellioti, which are the from the same genus, but with different markings ect.

Alternatively a group of Cupid Cichlids would make an excellent addition. They are attractive with plenty of personality, and again won't get too big to compete with your Jack.

I often find with a group you get far more natural interaction, and often looks less chaotic. Atleast some of these suggestions you can have you Jack as your centre piece, and then still have a great interactive group that will liven up the tank, without competing against your jack. Larger groups of Singleton cichlids, such as Jacks, GT's, Midas, Texas cichlids ect is i find it gets quite chaotic. Sometimes it can be hard to get the fish to get along.

From the sounds of what you want, most central american (commonly) available cichlids would suit your needs. I'll add some other suggestions tommorow, as its late now and i have work early - couldn't resist popping on the forum to see what was what right now though :fun:
awsome i very much appreciate it. im going to look into those u stated. its so tough to get a straight answer on these forums but i think this is the first time i actually got useful info. thanks much and if anything else comes to mind lemme know ;)
Right, after a dull day at work i came home and sunk my teeth into this thread once more. I've come up with some good cichlids which i think would add a nice dimension to your Jack, without taking too much attention away from him. Its up to you if you get a few of each, or singletons. I just think these are a good option, and are what i'd personally pick from if it were me in your shoes.

Geophagus 'steindachneri' (6" average adult size)
Geophagus 'surinamensis' (9" average adult size)
Geophagus 'red head tapajo' (sometimes called 'orange head' 6" average adult size) (one of my personal fav's)
Geophagus sp 'pindare' (5" average size) (hard to find though)

Guianacara sphenozona (5" average adult size) (another i'd be very tempted by a group of!)

I'd recommend some Gymnogeophagus species also, but these require a period of time (usually 2-3 months) at a cooler temperature. Not sure its advisable for me to suggest these with a Jack. The 'Satanoperca' genus is another one with some cracking fish in. Albeit these are often above the 10" mark, and you may lose the focus on your Jack with such fish. Worth you having a peek at some of them though. If not just to drool over them.

A personal favoutite of mine, something i WILL be having a social group of in a 6ft one day is 'Biotodoma cupido', or simply known as the Cupid Cichlid. I had a single male last year, and by far caught the heart and imagination of all the family. Definitely worth serious consideration IMHO.

I've focused on Eartheaters as they are by far my favourite, and in a large tank such as yours i think will be alot more fun to keep. But below, so as to not be to biased i'll include a more general list of other cichlids well worth concidering. I'll try and keep it to smaller species so as to keep the focus on your Jack!

Cryptoheros Cutteri (Blue eyed Cichlid) 5" average
Archocentrus centrarchus (Flyer Cichlid)6" average
Cryptoheros sajica (t-bar cichlid) 5" average
Thorichthys ellioti (ellioti cichlid) 7" average (got a little more funk than a regular firemouth)
Hypsophrys nicaraguensis (nic cichlid) 10" (big, but i can't not recommend them as they are magnificent)
Aequidens pulcher (Blue Acara) 6" average
Aequidens portalegrensis (Port Acara) 8" average (i have two of these, beautifull fish)

There are larger fish that 'can' be kept with a Jack, i've avoided saying all those, as they get bigger and are more pugnacious. Generally won't be as harmonious as those i've listed above. Hopefully others will pop up with any i've missed :) Certainly gives you some options to go away and research more yourself though, right :)

I'd love to see a pic of your Jack, i have a special soft spot for Dempseys :fun:

I started a similar thread earlier today.
I am looking for possible options to stock my 100gal tank.
Would you above list be a good combination of relatively easy going SA cichlids?
Yes, Squidward.

I would say that list is a relatively easy going list of Cichlids, yes. There are a couple of quarrelsome cichlids in the list, such as the T-bars can be a bit boisterous....but cichlids in general can have that streak - that's the beauty of them!

I purposefully didn't include the supposed 'beligerent' fish. Again, if you want singletons or a group is entirely your choice. My preference is always 'less is more'. I prefere seeing social interaction amongst same specie fish, as its always more natural than a squabbling/bickering group of individual cichlids, all baying to establish a hierarchy.

Apologies, i haven't seen your thread sooner. :)

Can we continue this conversation on my thread?
I don't want to hijack this from the OP?
Funnily enough .... I also am going the SA/C American cichlid route in my 5ft tank!!! Is it something in the air?!!! Lol.
I currently have a blue acara around 3" (he has just hidden most of the time this first week!!) and a T-bar about 3" (Jade eye) which is very active and mine is not aggressive at all. Infact its getting bullied by my pair if young GBR's (Bout an inch long!!) hence am moving my GBR's to a dedicated tank.
I also have in with them a pair of kribs (i know not ideal as African cichlid) but they leave them alone pretty much, also bearing in mind the kribs have just had fry!!
Also have 10 tiger barbs which i thought would make good dither fish and again cause no problems as they quarrell amongst themselves & are great to watch!!
Also some lemon tetras, herlequiin rsdboras (which will be moving) and some bristle nose plecs.
Now i really fancy Geo Tapajos as they are stunning fish & very peaceful as ive read. Also would an EBJD work?
Also would i be best adding another acara to help with my current one (called Barry!!) shyness or will it make it worse?
Dont really want pairs as when they spawn i feel it will cause chaos in my tank.
As stated, not meaning to hijack, just 'piggy-backing'!! .
Any probs though will start my own thread but will watch these two carefully!!
Any advice greatly appreciated.
I've found all Acara's i've kept to be more timid than other cichlids. Yes, i've had a bolshy one, but the other 3 i have had over time have been rather shy. Adding more of them could encourage your current one out, or they could both hide. You just won't know untill you try it. The theory is adding dithers will encourage them out more, so i'd be more inclined to try this route rather than add another Acara, especially if you want to avoid a breeding pair.

An EBJD would work IME, yes. Geophagus Tapajo's would be great. They can be quite hard to source though, only place i found some available was from a breeder who sold some to a Maidenhead Aquatics in Northampton, and even the shop weren't selling them on. They only had them for display, puzzled me...but hey ho. Beautifull beautifull fish though, and they don't get all that big. Certainly not in comparison to alot of other Geo's.

Get a journal up in this section. Would be great to see, always good to see other peoples NWC tanks!
They have some Geophagus Red Head Tapajo's at my local MA if you don't mind travelling. A good 4-5 inches in size as well.
Thanks guys. Im in the process of moving my pair of GBR's to my 120litre which will be pretty much desicated to them as they are little bu***rs hence why i call them the Kray twins!! Lol.
I have 10 tiger barbs in and after careful observation i THINK it is these that the Acara is a bit wary of. Although when i bought him off a mate he was shu then hiding in a large piece of bog wood & only coming out to chase his other SA cichlid tank mates then retreat back to hidey hole.

At present on from advice & research im thinking end rest i would like either an EBJD or JD, my blue cara, jade eye, Geo Tapajos tho not sure about how many (am sure will source some from some from somewhere when needed as am happy to travel) and if possible a Salvini cichlid as these look stunning. Obviously will add some alternate dither fish too tho totally no idea what at this stage ..... Any thoughts on the stocking suggestion & possible Dither fish?!
Thanks all



Pickin up a male Pink Convict Cichilid today for the tank, should pair up and spwn with the female Convict i already got

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