Jack Dempsey + Friends


New Member
Jun 23, 2012
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Ok so let me start out by saying these will all end up in an 8' x 2' x 2' tank ( roughly 900 litres, 240 US Gallons, 200 Uk Gallons)

My plan after reading what seems like every Jack dempsey page on the net is as follows

1 x Jack Dempsey ( ive got him now he's about 2 inches)

2 - 4 x Geophagus Braziliensis

2 - 4 x Blue Acara

1 x Pleco

Does anyone have any concerns in regards to this setup? Also if the room is there ( in your oppinion) what other Chiclids would work in this setup?

My plan is to have them all at about 2 inches and let them get to know each other in a 4 foot tank before they get big and moody in the large setup, any concerns from anybody in regards to this?

Any comments wioll be greatly appreciated :)
I have 2 3-4 inch JDS in an african cichlid tank with a cobalt, a yellow lab, a spotted catfish, albino channel cat, and two 3 inch pink convicts, NOBODY messes with anyone else, they are all super active, very bright, and each have their own little "house" cave.

its only a 35-40g hexagon tank, i read on another forum that many people through experience have put larger groups of aggressive fish together, noticing that the aggression almost spread across to the rest of the fish, so none were particularly dangerous. i will post a picture of this tank, i haven't had a fish die, any disease, or any knipped fins since i've set it up. its also probably my cleanest and most low maintenance tank.


these are my male and female JDs

this is the tank they stay in, the ph is roughly 8.0 and i keep it around 74-76 degrees

i have also found that my jack dempseys and my pink convicts get along really well
MrCavs - Hi, have to admit I have a few concerns,

Firstly the mix - the Braziliiensis could dominate that tank even as youngsters they can be tough bolshy fish and are often best kept with similarly tempered fish. The Blue Acaras and JD might be okay they are often similarly matched. Also if your planning to use a tank to grow fish out the planned Pleco would grow much faster than the other fish.

Im also wondering why you have gone straight to a monster tank of an 8x2x2 when really even an adult G.Braziliensis would thrive in a 6x2x2 (though obviously bigger is better) and then the BAs and JDs are reasonably sized fish but a standard 55g would be a good size thought again bigger is always better.

Which gives me a bit of a concern on how feasable the big tank is, its one thing to plan and want a massive tank but actually getting to a point in life where you can commit to such a large tank can hit bumps and it will always stay a dream. Ill use my self as an example - Had a 4 foot tank full of fish, planned to upgrade - then my flat flooded and I had to move out for 6 months, had to rehome a bunch of fish - luckily I was able to buy a 6 foot tank about 6 months later but that was in total a year after I had grown my fish onto a size where I needed a 6 foot tank. Moral of the story - buy the big tank first and then the fish.

Also growing fish in a small tank and then adding them to a big tank can often lead to problems as in the smaller tank they will set up the hierachy based on the surroundings not the individual fish then when you move a bunch of adolescent fish into a bigger tank with new surroundings it does not mean it will be the same as the other tank, its not uncommon for people to notice total behaviour changes after a tank change or even a rescape in an existing tank.

Peacichlids - that tank is incredibly risky. Im really happy that it is working out but man, that thing could go wrong at any moment. Dont base a cichlid tank on if things are going okay, more plan on percentages of things going wrong. Mixing Africans and Americans is always risky. Ive had pairs of convicts claim a whole 30 gallon tank to them selves in the past when breeding so just be prepared for stuff like that. Also while being honest, I think its a bit small for JDs they are big fish when fully grown and the same goes for the catfish in their especially the channel catfish... If it is going on good for you thought fair enough there is a slim chance this can work but I would be hesitant in recommending this mix to other people as the odds are weighted against it working and the mix is something I would not encourage...

Great reply Wills, saved me a lot of typing..............
I agree with Wills. There is a lot to take into when dealing with a massive tank, and he listed a lot of reason for why i havent taken the plunge into a mammoth tank. As for your stocking list, I really only know about Jack Dempseys and their personalities can vary depending on the Jack. I have seen them thrive with monster fish like Oscars, but wreck a Green Terror twice its size. All I can say is have a backup plan, which is something I tell everyone that has large cichlids. You don't choose the tankmates, the cichlid does.


For one, your tank is too small. Not just in gallonage, but the shape is not fitting for the fish you are keeping. I really hope you plan to spring for a long tank for those fish. Also, while you haven't had problems yet, I can almost guarantee you will. Think of it in terms of the gangs in LA. You wouldn't invite the bloods and the crips to the same party would you?

I'm not going to recommend you rehome the fish. I would suggest maybe setting up a 55g tank and separating the SA cichlids from the africans
i completely agree, i slowly added fish and watched them carefully, i ahve a 75g long full of smaller fish that need to grow a bit more because the larger ones were picking on them(my boyfriend "donated" them to my tank because he wanted an arowana ~~~soooo~~~~~~~~~~~ bad) so he just has that now, so im in charge of 30 plus c/a and african cichlids. after my stand gets done being built im moving those smaller ones into the hex and the larger fish into the long tank (i know it sounds stupidly complicated but its just how things worked out) but until something terribly goes wrong then ill wait until i HAVE to change my fish around. the rocks and slate are stable, i pushed on them as hard as i could and wiggled and giggled and propped and slid everything into place really nicely so everyone has their own place, so aggression is pretty minimal. a few of them stay at the bottom, a few in the middle, then a couple around the top in the highest cave... i havent had to do but 1 water change, and no ammonia spikes and the ph has been stable..

i honestly didnt want to put the JD in the hex tank, and i really want to put the channel cat in the arowana 75g long but im not sure how it will do with the arowana and large red devil we have in there.

but yes, i AM aware of the dangers of this set up, BUT i stay home everyday all day while i'm waiting for the semester to start back----but in my defense, when i first started fishkeeping, all of these fish were in the same tank together and i had no idea about S/A- C/A-new world cichlids.... so they are all used to the same pH because they come from the same supplier with one water filtration system so that made me feel a tad bit better about it. but they will ALL be moved into 55g+ tanks within the next 6 months.
That is good that you are aware. I'm really not trying to lecture, I promise lol. I hope to see all of your setups when its all complete.
i cant wait, i think we might invest in a 125g but im not sure if we want to lose the space in the house... we have an l shaped wall we were thinking of putting a larger cube tank in, knocking out the wall so you can see all 4 sides :]
MrCavs - Hi, have to admit I have a few concerns,

Firstly the mix - the Braziliiensis could dominate that tank even as youngsters they can be tough bolshy fish and are often best kept with similarly tempered fish. The Blue Acaras and JD might be okay they are often similarly matched. Also if your planning to use a tank to grow fish out the planned Pleco would grow much faster than the other fish.

Im also wondering why you have gone straight to a monster tank of an 8x2x2 when really even an adult G.Braziliensis would thrive in a 6x2x2 (though obviously bigger is better) and then the BAs and JDs are reasonably sized fish but a standard 55g would be a good size thought again bigger is always better.


Thats why i posted guys thanks, most of the websites say the Braziliensis is relativly peaceful with similar sized fish....guess thats what happens when you believe the internet :) In regards to the tank i built my House with a 10ft flat wall in my Billiards room for a 8 x 2 x 2 Tank, ive been here 5 years and its Time (sick of seeing my 2 x 4fts in that space)

Do you have some other stocking suggestions? im all ears.

again thanks for the imput.
Peacichlids - it sounds horrendous complicated and a lot of unsuitable fish in your house, as far as upgrading your tanks go read the other part of my reply. I have just had a wall knocked out in my kitchen to fit in my current 6 foot after a house move and that has cost roughly £1500 including a new floor and the plastering etc. And thats just to fit a tank in the house, my tank is at my old flat still and has been for a month - like I say before you plan to commit to a big tank make sure you can actually get it in the house first - ie money problems, house problems, life problems they all happen and we all have them its not an excuse to house fish incorrectly. Simply put if your fish tanks are complicated your doing something wrong and if you have to put fish in a tank that you agree is unsuitable, it is better off with someone else. There are plenty of sites to rehome fish via - ebay, aquabid if your in the US, aquarist classfieds in the UK, the classified section on this forum, tons of other forums that have people all over the world on. Im not meaning to lecture you but you need to make some big decisions and soon.

oh and I wont mention the Arrowanna in the 75g....

Mr Cavs - sorry for the thread hijack lol.

Your response is top on exactly what I wanted to hear :) One thing to think of with a tank this size though is what is the concrete like under the tank or are they going to be on wooden beams? Either way I would look at it being suitable for the mass of water about to sit on it.

If its time for the tank now lets go for it! Get it in there and start off the new community :)

As for what fish, do you have any that you want to move over or want to 100% have in the tank? Do you like biotopes or would you rather mix it up between regions. I know you mentioned the Jack Dempsey? Is this 100% wanted.

This is a great site for fish info IMO - http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/rocio-octofasciatum/ and thats their JD page.

If I was looking at a 240 gallon with JDs in I would look at smaller Central American cichlids to mix them with. Things like Salvini and Sajicas would work nice, Firemouth relatives would work like Ellioti or Aureaus. Then for dithers Red Eye Tetras are the most biotope correct and a good size to surivive these fish, Sword tails would work as would a few of the other rarer live bearers if you can get them. Catfish wise, common plecs go quite far north and more that like of fish work rather than the panaque type plecs I beleive they go further south. Hoplos are an other bottom dweller for this tank.

It could be quite nice to limit the species and up the numbers so maybe

2 x Jack Dempsey (pair?)
2 x Sajica (pair?)
4 x Amphilophus Robertsoni (if you can find them, other firemouth types would work - maybe more these fish can be slightly gregarious from what I have read in decent enough numbers)
40? x Red Eye Tetras
20 x Swordtails (let them breed, good food source for other fish, harsh but true)
15 x Hoplo Catfish
3? x "Common" Plecs (we can try and find some nicer types of plec though)

OOOOO I tell you what could work in that size tank! A Pearsai (spelling) !! The gentle giants of the central americans and an absolute beast of a fish, nothing fancy colour wise really but in their mass there is a massive beauty to them - try and find Star4s threads - unfortunately he swallowed a plastic plant and died but he was a stunner called Percy :)

For decor I would go natural yellow fine sand substrate and large boulders in the tank with a few large branches, I would avoid the really twiggy stuff as it can snap off and cause some of the larger cichlids problems.

Hope thats helped :)
geeezzzzz, yes we can fit a huge tank into our house, and we have a contractor on hand to support the house and the weight, we have sliding glass doors and a ramp so theres no problem there... and as i already stated, the arowana will be rehomed in a few months(you may not like my 75g for it, but its WAY better than the 25-30g they had him in with a discus...........not keeping him until he's full grown, and we are honestly one of the only couples in town that supports the LFS... im in the process of rehoming a large amont of the fish my bf "handed over" to me.. before his were in my tanks i had no mixes... so yes i know theres a problem, but we ARE working on it.. i thought that was clear in my previous statement :/ merry christmas to you guys too.
geeezzzzz, yes we can fit a huge tank into our house, and we have a contractor on hand to support the house and the weight, we have sliding glass doors and a ramp so theres no problem there... and as i already stated, the arowana will be rehomed in a few months(you may not like my 75g for it, but its WAY better than the 25-30g they had him in with a discus...........not keeping him until he's full grown, and we are honestly one of the only couples in town that supports the LFS... im in the process of rehoming a large amont of the fish my bf "handed over" to me.. before his were in my tanks i had no mixes... so yes i know theres a problem, but we ARE working on it.. i thought that was clear in my previous statement
merry christmas to you guys too.

Fair enough, sorry to go so hard on you but so long as you are dealing with it thats the important thing :) Its good that you have a plan! I really did not mean to offend but you do get people that would argue your situation is perfect and just wanted to throw in my side of things. These threads show up in all kinds of searches and I think its important to have a well rounded discussion - especially with popular fish like JDs

All I will say about the Arrowana is - if you have bought him and rescued him in this way all that tells some shops is people will buy these so I should get more in. And then you have a store with multiple big fish in... I dont know the situation or your relationship with the owner but sometimes its often best to leave the fish in the store in this situation because.

Again really sorry if I caused offense and Im really really glad that your on your way to get things resolved but I would refrain from using some of your tanks as examples to others as if they copy them it might not work any where near as well as it is for you right now.

Merry Christmas
Wills, thanks for the indepth reply, please see answers:

As for what fish, do you have any that you want to move over or want to 100% have in the tank? Do you like biotopes or would you rather mix it up between regions. I know you mentioned the Jack Dempsey? Is this 100% wanted.

This will be a display tank so its more about how it looks that what fish and region are in it. Ive always loved the JD so i just had to have one, never wanted a pair as everyone i have spoken to tells me they will KILL everything if they ever breed. so one will be great, the only other large fish ive ever coveted is the Jaguar Chiclid (Parachromis managuensis). But unsure of how the JD and it would get along.

As for the stocking ideas id honestly never thought of anythng bite size :) swordtails, tetra's and Hoplo's i would of assumed would have been JD food inside a few days :). the other issue i have is im in Australia and the range of fish isnt what it is in the rest of the world, im using


as a base for fish as i know worst case i can get them flown down to me, ill canvas all the LFS over the next few weeks on my holidays.
i know of a few other places that will ship but id much rather hand pick them as you can imagine.

Blue Acara's i know where to get locally thats one of the reasons i like them. i also love the Sajicas, definatley on my list know, if i can find the salvini's ill have a tough choice to make, they also look great.

So now im at this stage:

1 x Jack Dempsey
4 x Blue Acara
2 x Sajica
2 x salvini's (if i can source them)

I have never seen the Amphilophus Robertsoni but can get Amphilophus longimanus which from what i can gather are fairly similar.
As for the Dithers they can be purchased well down the track.

So thoughts queries concerns :)

Again thatnks for all the imput.
hi ijust though id let you k nowwhat ii have but 1 fish might not work out, just trying it as all cichlids have different personalitys.
I have
1 blue acara,
6 JD's
1 salvini
1 t-bar cichlid
and 1 10" upside down catfish.
like I said im not sure if the salvini will work.


like I said

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