I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Thanks dwarfs! And nope, that pie is 100% spider free!
lol i have lived in Australia all my life (lived in England for 1 year though) and i am telling you, i have never ever seen a funnel web spider. seen a few trap-door spiders (kinda look like funnel webs but there fangs arent as big and they dont go crazy when you annoy them like funnel webs) in our backyard and we get quite a few huntsmans and red-backs around the house but thats it. never seen a funnel webArashi said:I've never been to Australia, but I would love to visit sometime. The only problem, is that Australia is the home of my most hated (and feared) spider of them all...the Funnel Web. Now, I honsestly think that if I came across one of those, I would die of fright on the spot. They just look so creepy.