I've Overcome My Fear of Spiders! YAY!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
So, here I am in the middle of making a pumpkin pie, when all of a sudden I have this wierd urge to go over and try holding my Tarantula, Edgar...don't ask why! :lol:

...and guess what?!... I DID!!!!!! :hyper: :kana: :flex:

I am so proud of myself right now you guys, I mean I am just estatic. I have been afraid of spiders since day 1 and now look at me... I'm holding this huge furry one! I seriously can't believe it. :hyper: :kana: :flex:

The only reason I managed to get picture proof, is because my boyfriend's friend left his digital camera here overnight.

These pictures seriously suck, because 1. I had to take them myself and 2. Edgar dosen't like the flash (which I found out real quick :blink: ), but you get the idea. :thumbs:

Here she is chilling out on my arm. :wub: (This is also where I found out she dosen't like flash. :/ )
YAY! :flex:
I knew it wouldn't take long :clap:
Good for you and congratulations :)
Very cool! I think the pics are great. How'd she get a name like Edgar?
I have a HUGE fear of spiders...I won't ever get over it..I just can't...

I am very proud of you Arashi for overcoming your fear...but if Edgar was on my arm...I seriously think I would hit myself so hard I'd break my arm just trying to get him off.

I think my fear is more of a phobia lol :lol: ´

I'm more afraid of the long skinny legged kinds more than anything...eww Daddy long legs!!

Jumping spiders I'm fine with..they are so adorable..it's the big guys that creep me out!! Ohhhh.... :X
Thanks guys! I really appreciate all the support and stuff. :wub: :wub: *hugs all around*

cation - The name Edgar came about, because at first we had no idea how to sex spiders, and we just assumed we'd give her a male name. Well then we found out how to tell males from females, and found out we in fact had a female...but by then the name had stuck! :lol: :rolleyes: So her name is Edgar. :D :wub:

Elisabeth83 - I don't mind Daddy Long Legs too much, cause they technically aren't spiders, but everything else I can't stand. I don't freak out anymore when I see them, but I still don't really want them around. My most feared spiders are the big black ones that run around in your house. Thise things creep me out in a huge way. :-(
OH YES!! I know which black ones your talking about. We just had one in our apartment...this thing ran so fast. It stood up tall too like an inch or so off the ground. I had my boyfriend get it and let it go outside....

I locked myself in the bathroom while he did it LOL.

If you took it and spread it's legs out it would of been 3 inchs no problem.

Have you ever been to Australia? My Mom and step-dad live in Melbourne ( I lived there for 5 years) Anyways theres huge spiders there called huntsmans..and I've had too many run ins with those!! They run so fast as well...the first few months I was living there a huge black hairy one crawled from behind my computer desk up the wall....I jumped backwards so fast it wasn't even funny!! Ohhhhh creeeepy :X :no:
:hyper: Rock on. Nice one Arashi ;)

It was only a matter of time and hopefully now it will help you to enjoy living with Edgar even more.

Glad she's doing ok :D
Yeah, those black ones are super fast! For some reason they would always come out at night too, when everyone else was asleep, and I was just sitting out in the kitchen on the computer. I swear I could hear them coming as they ran, they were so big. :crazy: :-(

I've never been to Australia, but I would love to visit sometime. :nod: The only problem, is that Australia is the home of my most hated (and feared) spider of them all...the Funnel Web. Now, I honsestly think that if I came across one of those, I would die of fright on the spot. They just look so creepy. :-( :-(
pretty good shots for one handed!!! glad you overcame your fear. for now, i shall continue to fear the eight legged wonders............. :lol:

curious, what did she do when the camera flashes?
Thanks MAM! :wub:

When the camera flashes, she bunches her legs up real close to her body and gets all defensive. And I really don't like her getting defensive when she's sitting on my poor defenseless arm...I've seen those fangs. :/

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