I've not seen this filter before... are they new??? have you tried one??? are they any good???

I have had several of the tidal filters; two 75 and two 110. I agree they are powerhouses and the way they are setup they do not need to be refiled after weather change or power outages like many other HOB filters need to.

Also the media is customizable, no disposable cartridges.

I have to say they are very fussy with water levels, or if you have any floating debris (leaves, plants, other misc) it can clog the skimmer and cause the filter to get loud. The model would be awesome if it had the option to close off and bypass the skimmer altogether.

I have had (and was not impressed with) Aquaclears. They would have to be topped off after every water change. One day we had a power outage and the filters ran dry and I had one die on me before I had it 3 months.

I have used Aquaclears HOB (old version, new one is trash), am using Azoo HOB on the couple smaller tanks I have. Also have has the biowheel Marineland filters with success.

I also have several FX canisters (107, three FX4 and a FX6) and have to say they are my favorite. the larger (4 and 6) are self priming and will reset if needed to evaluate air in the system. The smaller 107 is easy to set up and one of the easiest to prime of all of the smaller canister filters I have had.

Years ago I had the Filstar canister filters but they have something like 12 or 13 O-rings so eventually it was sucking in air even after replacing them.
Then I moved onto Eheim classic filters and have to say that if they were more reasonably priced for larger tanks I would have stayed with that brand. Smart flow and supper effective.
Sis got a sunsun when it was the thing, but the case split within a couple months of use so it was essentially garbage.

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