I've Found Eggs! (See Pics)

sadly the three babies have died :sad: :-( Two of them were about 8mm long and filling out, the other was a little smaller. Hopefully my cories will try again :unsure: Not sure what I did wrong.. whether it was temperature, not enough or the right food... :/ Sorry guys!
Sorry to hear that :( such fragile little things....
Sorry to hear that :( such fragile little things....

yep, even more so than I thought! I'm well gutted :( I should probably get a test kit really to make sure their water is tip top. Although I'm leaning towards thinking it was the food I was trying to give them may have let them down -_-
Hi mbsqw1d :)

I'll move your thread over to the Corydoras section. If your corys are healthy and well fed, they should spawn for you again soon. In the meanwhile, why not read through this article and then ask some more questions here. It's a good starting point but there are many variations in the way people raise the fry.


Good luck to you in the future.
thanks inchworm ;)

well, looks like they've been at it again:


BUT, these aren't fertilised are they??? :/

Will they get fertilised or do they normally do it straight away?
what makes you think they're not fertile?

If you can see a dot in the egg,then they will be fertile :)
just because theyre not orange/brown in colour.. ? Unfortunately I'm a bit late as someone has eaten em :sly:

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