got my plants!! I hope they will be alright. Last time I got them at work I put them in a bowl, but dont have one today.
The anubias looks gorgeous. It's a lovely green and looks perfect. Just hope I can keep it like that. Kind of wish I'd got more of them now, but at £4.50 they are really expensive. It does say on the pack that they are hard to kill
The little £2 pack of 10 foreground plants looks ok too. Cant really see whats in there, but it looks like some hairgrass, and some other small anubias looking, but not anubias plants. So probably worth the £2 so I can fill out the tank a bit to start with.
the baby tears plant is TINY!! It's perfect. I just hope I can grow it. My plan is to plant this in the right back to hopefully hide the equipment.
and finally I have a matted mess of glosso
oh what fun that is going to be seperating it all! I'm determined to do it properly though and seperate every plantlet.
I feel I need a centre piece. With the lack of small bogwood pieces at LFS I think I'm going to be looking for a long time, so I might use a piece of rock to start with.
Any ideas welcome. I quite like the dark grey jagged like rocks. But maybe I need something lighter for the tank size?