I've Been Naughty!

Love that planted tank from above! Prob my 2 fav plants in my tank are my tonina and radicans sword. The sword gives out foot long roots :lol: and I started with 5 stems of tonina and it keeps growing and growing!

I haven't got my sw tank setup yet so can't really compare on personal experience, I just think there are different things to get from each setup. Fresh water can be mainly about the fish or the plants, where in a sw tank you have the fantastic colours of the fish, then you have all these critters on the rock and the corals aswell. I watch my planted tank for ages just watching the fish, in the sw tank I expect I will be watching everything.
The 2 can hardly be compared fairly!
You know what to do fishy555996841257900864123456789! wasted, are you? :rolleyes:

Rowaphos maybe when get a skimmer, good CUC i wish, need all rock first, less light i only got T8's, regular wc once i have me rock, good scrub cannot scrub :lol: and patience! you serious? :lol: Lol

Have you got a powerhead? lol............If so, stick some rowaphos in front of it in a media bag and that will do the job for now!

The T8's wont be a prob regarding algae [unless there growlux tubes]. What ever rock you have in there, take it out and scrub in used tank water and then plonk back in!

Wasted?...............Slighty! lol
You know what to do fishy555996841257900864123456789! wasted, are you? :rolleyes:

Rowaphos maybe when get a skimmer, good CUC i wish, need all rock first, less light i only got T8's, regular wc once i have me rock, good scrub cannot scrub :lol: and patience! you serious? :lol: Lol

Have you got a powerhead? no............i got 2 :fun: lol............If so, stick some rowaphos in front of it in a media bag what that? and that will do the job for now!

The T8's wont be a prob regarding algae [unless there growlux tubes]. What ever rock you have in there, take it out and scrub in used tank water and then plonk back in! i only got sponge and that wont work (but i think ill leave that to my CUC to scrub it clean :good:)

Wasted?...............Slighty! lol slightly haha, dont be rediculous.
Use a toothbrush, nail brush,......................bog brush! Lol
Use a toothbrush, nail brush,......................bog brush! Lol

urgh....effort :lol:
aint that what CUC are for? :hyper::hey:

Yeah if you want to wait weeks!.....a good scrub takes minutes and the CUC will keep it under control until you stabilise water params and keep nutrients low!

So get scrubbing you scru.................! Lol
Use a toothbrush, nail brush,......................bog brush! Lol

urgh....effort :lol:
aint that what CUC are for? :hyper::hey:

Yeah if you want to wait weeks!.....a good scrub takes minutes and the CUC will keep it under control until you stabilise water params and keep nutrients low!

So get scrubbing you scru beg your pardon?.................! Lol

i dont think it was my water as i brought it with it :crazy:
Low nutrients + good CUC + good scrub = no algae!

There done, finished, fineto'd! Lol
i may give it a scrub when i get some CUC, as it will be better.
(hoping to get more rock next week if mum comes with her card :lol:)

im ordering test kit today aswell.
im gonna be ordering api master saltwater test kit.
quite cheap aswell, i have one for my freshwater and it is easy to use.
i may give it a scrub when i get some CUC, as it will be better.
(hoping to get more rock next week if mum comes with her card :lol:)

im ordering test kit today aswell.

Best to scrub before you add snails,crabs etc as they might be attached to the rock when you take it out!
i shall :good:
it is so boring waiting to but a bit of rock at a time :angry:
haha well try being me, I finally get the plumbing bits to sort out to get rock this weekend coming, and now1 cant figure out how to put it together lol and 2 some nob hacked my xbox account and spent the money I had for my LR! I wont be getting rock for a few weeks later than planned now!

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