My Basset Flash is getting older and all he seems to do now is sleep. Such a hard life ha
Yes... Flash is such a character and already well known here on TFF..... I second your nomination Marie....My Basset Flash is getting older and all he seems to do now is sleep. Such a hard life ha
I nominate the picture for POTM competition. Such a lovely pic
sad looking back at these my Basset Flash died on Friday night about 10 minutesafter I got in from work. He was my first dog and I lived on my own with him and the house feels empty now without him.
RIP Flash
sad looking back at these my Basset Flash died on Friday night about 10 minutesafter I got in from work. He was my first dog and I lived on my own with him and the house feels empty now without him.
RIP Flash
Oh No! Oh No! Oh No!!...... That is very, very sad Simonas!..... My deepest sympathy!..... It's like losing a family member..... Be sure to put something up in our rainbow bridge topic in the Household pets' pinned section.... (Our wall of remembrance) as he had become a family member here on TFF as well..... Rest in peace Flash!.... you'll be missed.
Im gutted pal cried my heart out and its things like getting up in the morning and not having him to say hello too, feed walk etc, I didnt relaise till now how much contact I had with him especially since I have lived on my own,he was my pal