It's time.

I don't buy ANYthing from there but sick fish or snails or frogs now, I guess too - and I plan to start just asking if I can have the really sick ones for free. I make sure and let EVERY manager, district manager, whoever I am complaining to once I have brought a sicky home, know that I don't shop there, and why. They know. Many of them even know my voice. I also let them know that all of my family, lots of my friends and more and more of my coworkers have also stopped shopping there because I've told them the horror stories whenever they've come over to visit my fishes on my desk or seen them at my house.

I refuse to stop buying the poor little souls who will just die if I leave them there. They just don't deserve to die such a horrible death. If you subtract the three dollars and 74 cents it costs me to buy a fish from the ungodly amount of money I used to spend there (but don't anymore) on things like shampoo, paper towels, laundry and dish soap, socks, etc. and I'm getting them where it hurts. And they will eventually start to figure it out if we ALL start telling them what we're doing. And why.

Get those camera phones out people - go to and email them in. If they start getting a flood of photos and such, they'll get on their case soon :)
Just be aware with PETA BM, they don't beleive animals should be used for anything, that includes fish as pet even properly taken care of.
Not necessarily, Dart. PETA would much rather see happy, healthy pets than sad pet stores. Most PETA staff have pets of their own, and they offer pet products on their web site. True, though, they would rather see the animals in the wild. But even people with as big of dreams as PETA, even they know that is next to impossible. Simply put, animals that are born in captivity almost have no chance of making it in the wild.
You are both right.
I was a little bit disheartened when I scoured their website for "Fish stuff" and discovered that they think that NO fish should be kept in a tank or aquarium, ever. My fear is that I will sick them on WalMart and it will come across as if they're just being psychotic about WM keeping and selling fish to go in tanks, and the whole point of them being mistreated will be grayed out to that. But we'll see.

They do post on their website some really good information about how to care for fish if you have a tank, so they obviously know that they'd be fighting a losing battle if they tried to get everyone to not have tanks all together.

I think they'll actually get us all some good results. :)
BettaMomma said:
littlefishie said:
Sounds like you need some cheering up, BM.. check your pm's. ;)
THANKS for the fabulous avatar.
I love it. ;)
No problem, it was something to do! Now that school's over I don't know what to do with myself. :lol:

Besides, after all the trouble you go through with these fishies, the least I can do is make you a pretty avatar.

And it means we can have animations on the site now! :D

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