its taking too much time !!

I have a 20 gallon aquarium where I raise all the fry that I get. Right now I have over 200 guppy, molly, and platy fry. I have some that are growing at a rapid pace especially some of my sunset mollies that were born two weeks ago. My platies are also some that are growing fast, I have been seeing what colors and patterns they are going to be. I have several wagtails(red, yellow, silver) and I think one is going to be a Coral platy which are beautiful. Oh I forgot I have one white mickey mouse platy and several black mollies that I put in my main tank with the adults about a week ago and I see that they are getting slightly bigger. Trial and error is the name of the game here. I have had about one fry per day die besides those I find in there that are developed wrong, "I feed them to my tetras and tiger barbs!" I am thinking about selling mine too and I have a close friend that owns a LFS so I should get something out of it. Maybe the money that I have paid in buying all these fish due to trial and error on breeding which is close to about $200 on fish alone in the past four months! :crazy:
rrey82 said:
I have a 20 gallon aquarium where I raise all the fry that I get. Right now I have over 200 guppy, molly, and platy fry. I have some that are growing at a rapid pace especially some of my sunset mollies that were born two weeks ago. My platies are also some that are growing fast, I have been seeing what colors and patterns they are going to be. I have several wagtails(red, yellow, silver) and I think one is going to be a Coral platy which are beautiful. Oh I forgot I have one white mickey mouse platy and several black mollies that I put in my main tank with the adults about a week ago and I see that they are getting slightly bigger. Trial and error is the name of the game here. I have had about one fry per day die besides those I find in there that are developed wrong, "I feed them to my tetras and tiger barbs!" I am thinking about selling mine too and I have a close friend that owns a LFS so I should get something out of it. Maybe the money that I have paid in buying all these fish due to trial and error on breeding which is close to about $200 on fish alone in the past four months! :crazy:
wow !!! why that much money? :eek: none of these fish are expensive, not even the uncommon-colored ones, at least not were I live. Wish you luck with them thoug.

Umm, I had another batch of fry yesterday and amazingly most of them managed to survive at the main tank and have been moved into the fry bucket, but I havent had the time to ask the LFS guy about this so If he accepts to take a second batch I will take my chances and raise these babies too after reading all of your comments, if he doesn't accepts them I will unfortunately give them to my bros turtles along with the minnows that he has inthere with them.

So this second test run will help me decide for sure if I can actually take something out of this to help me improve my current tanks (little by little) or at least have enough to buy their monthly food and if I like the outcome I might even get more colourfull mollies cause I only have dalmation and silver-whites. Maybe these new guys are stronger than the last batch cause they managed to survive for several hours with 7 cannibals + their mother B)

and well.... if I don't like the outcome its pretty ovbious I will have to move one of my mollies to a different tank to stop breeding them :*)

see ya
Good luck with them! Usually if they do their own natural survival of the fittest, you get the strongest ones, and therefore the best ones to grow up.

I don't know if you'll actually make any money off them, though. I usually just get enough to help pay for their food. But you never know. :)

And I'm sure you know, just moving one sex doesn't stop the fry for a good many months.

Best of luck! :D
yea ... I know that it could take like 4 months or so for fry to stop being born if I move the male to another tank but at least they will stop eventually :) so, if I decide to move one of them I would get at least 2 more girls of a different color and put the male by himslef at the other community tank I have
Try at least 6. They store sperm for up to 7 pregnancies...and each pregnancy is about a month, sometimes more, so you do the maths! :p

The plan sounds good though. Females usually like being together, and having a little they'll be happy. Just be aware, any new females you get will most likely be pregnant too!
Annastasia said:
Try at least 6. They store sperm for up to 7 pregnancies...and each pregnancy is about a month, sometimes more, so you do the maths! :p

The plan sounds good though. Females usually like being together, and having a little they'll be happy. Just be aware, any new females you get will most likely be pregnant too!
yea, I'm aware of the other females that could be pregnant and thanks for telling me that it could last 6 to 7 months for that !!!! :crazy: hehehehe ... we'll se what happends

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