1 x oscar< <sell>>>
1 x gibbi plecs <sell>>>
2 x tinfoil barbs <sell>>>
1 x sun catfish <sell>>>
1 x silver arowna (illl get one when all the other fish are grown up)<obviously dont buy
1 x giant gourami <sell>>>
1 x fire eel <sell>>
1 x ornate birchir <sell>>>
1 x clown knifefish <sell>>>
1 x gold sev
5 x silver dollars need one more tho
1 x lima shovelnose<not sure what these are like with the tetra's
5 X urau if you can find them....
maybe a shoal of something like rainbows or larger tetra's like colombian or buenos aires tetra's
This way with good filteration you would really only need to do a light waterchange once a month or month n a half..
i think it would be just the same if not more to maintain a marine
no? which would still have you in same situation,or is it you've just gone off fresh water?