Its Happening Again !


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2009
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well yesterday i went out and purchased 2 more corys. but i was afraid of overcrowding them but everyone said it was fine. now one of my corys will swim and flip 2 his side really fast and then stop. is this swim bladder disease and if it is HOW CAN I STOP IT. i lost like so many corys like this.
does he look like hes flicking himself against things? or does he just lie down on his side completely?

do you know what your water stats are?
Along with MewMew42's questions;-Whats the feeding pattern of the cories? What are they fed?

well i just tested my water and i found that the nitrate and nitrite where extremely high so i put some conditioner in there for that. but i feed them Algae wafers and they also eat what fall 2 the bottom (flakes) could that be the problem and its like he is just swimming and doing barrel roles
Water conditioner will not do anything for high nitrite & nitrates, you need to do a water change ASAP!
Water conditioner will not do anything for high nitrite & nitrates, you need to do a water change ASAP!

whats weird about that is i literally did a 25% water change....and then it started happening. he seems fine now after i put in some chemicals. i guess i can only hope for the best. is there anyway to treat swim bladder at all ?
With cories,you must keep the bottom clean,with regular vacuuming,and cories like most fish are very sensitive to nitrite,what are your readings?
Cories will eat flakes,but you should also feed them various other foods for a varied diet,tetra prima granules or mini granules are very good,they sink straight to the bottom,also defrosted bloodworm & brine shrimp etc... you shouldn't rely on them eating left over flakes...
With cories,you must keep the bottom clean,with regular vacuuming,and cories like most fish are very sensitive to nitrite,what are your readings?
Cories will eat flakes,but you should also feed them various other foods for a varied diet,tetra prima granules or mini granules are very good,they sink straight to the bottom,also defrosted bloodworm & brine shrimp etc... you shouldn't rely on them eating left over flakes...

i do deed them wafers and brine shrimp even some blood worms. i gravel vacuum every week along with a 25% water change. to be all could of been my lfm water lol when i introduced the 2 corys i put the water from the bag in the tank by mistake.
Keep an eye on them,if they flick again they might have something wrong,it doesn't sound like swim bladder,has they would float and wont be able to swim upright correctly...

Keep that nitrite at zero,if it gets above 0.25ppm you will harm the fish,then you will need to do a minimum 50% w/c.
okay thank you. even though i did a water change today should i wait a week to do a 50% water change or should i just do it now.
Depends on what your ammonia/nitrite readings are,test them daily if they are above zero do a waterchange.
Hi Djs7137 :)

If it's one of the new corys that's doing barrel rolls like that, I would suspect he might have been injured when he was netted or while being transported. All you can do is wait and hope for the best.

Meanwhile, do enough water changes to get your nitrite down to zero. This will also lower the nitrates. If they were the cause of the flicking, this should help. Since elevated nitrite indicates that your tank isn't completely cycled, keep doing water changes until it settles in at zero. You are now in the process of cycling "with fish," so if you need more help, you might want to post in the Your New Freshwater Tank section as well. :)
Well just to let everyone know my cory fish has stopped doing barrel rolls and they seem fine i got my nitrite and nitrate levels to where they need too be and i will make as many water changes as possible.

P.S. i am not a Saints fan but Congratulations Saints what a year.

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