Fish Herder
LOL :kira: We are totally in the same thought process! I couldn't believe how much work a 55g tank is at first.
Now, it's a labor of love --and I don't even have the lovely little slime-balls yet!
I used mostly sandstone, and igneous rock. (see my email to you)
You're lucky you have established tanks already. I have been to several lfs on three occasions to get some biofilter media. They think I'm crazy for wanting their dirty old filter pads and crappy gravel.
WOW! I always read that the bottled cycle stuff is inneffective because the bacteria in that stuff is dead anyway. Maybe I'll try a plant.
I found some charts on the web last night that put my uneasyness to rest. They show it could be a week until I see any Nitrites. Oooh the suspense!
It would be great to start a thread purely about fishless cycling. I've seen some little mini-threads, but we should get a big one going with people telling us their experiences.

I used mostly sandstone, and igneous rock. (see my email to you)
You're lucky you have established tanks already. I have been to several lfs on three occasions to get some biofilter media. They think I'm crazy for wanting their dirty old filter pads and crappy gravel.

I have also recently got a 3ft tank, filled it with water, heated it up and placed a Java Fern Mother plant and a piece of planted bogwood from my other tank, and within 24 hours Nitrates were showing. (i had also used some Cycle in that thank as well which probably helped)
WOW! I always read that the bottled cycle stuff is inneffective because the bacteria in that stuff is dead anyway. Maybe I'll try a plant.
I found some charts on the web last night that put my uneasyness to rest. They show it could be a week until I see any Nitrites. Oooh the suspense!

It would be great to start a thread purely about fishless cycling. I've seen some little mini-threads, but we should get a big one going with people telling us their experiences.