It's December!

You stateside folk do know how to do Christmas
Yup the US sure know how to light things up!
Not like us in UK, with tiny little trees and maybe a string of lights outside 
Wow! Those are crackers!
I have a crisis. I was putting up my tree and when I was taking it to its spot ( fake tree ) I snapped it. :(
Good thing is that I get to go and buy a new tree. The old tree was like7 years old though. :(
TallTree01 said:
Wow! Those are crackers!
I have a crisis. I was putting up my tree and when I was taking it to its spot ( fake tree ) I snapped it.

Good thing is that I get to go and buy a new tree. The old tree was like7 years old though.
Boy, you sure are not having much luck these last few weeks are you?!
TallTree01 said:
Wow! Those are crackers!
I have a crisis. I was putting up my tree and when I was taking it to its spot ( fake tree ) I snapped it.

Good thing is that I get to go and buy a new tree. The old tree was like7 years old though.
You sure you didn't ninja kick it? :p
Yay for a new tree! Sorry to see the old one go though.
I'm not sure how long we've had least since I was a kid.
We're still deciding what to do on our tree!
Normally we stick with one colour, but we've got three fake trees (green, white and black) and loads of decorations, in all these colours; red, gold, translucent, silver, deep blue, purple and pink, so making the decision can be tricky.
My son wants the black tree with the purple decorations, which we haven't done before, but I think it might just be a bit too goth!
fluttermoth said:
We're still deciding what to do on our tree!
Normally we stick with one colour, but we've got three fake trees (green, white and black) and loads of decorations, in all these colours; red, gold, translucent, silver, deep blue, purple and pink, so making the decision can be tricky.
My son wants the black tree with the purple decorations, which we haven't done before, but I think it might just be a bit too goth!
Any reason for sticking to one color?
I really like the idea of the black tree with purple decorations. Perhaps you'd like it more if there was also gold? c:
I just think it looks smarter with only one colour :)
Purple and gold might be nice though; if I can persuade my son. He has Asperger's and doesn't like change!
I only have room for a small table-top tree, and...well...I never actually took it down last year. Yay for infinite amounts of procrastination eventually appearing festive? LOL
Went to the Christmas store and I didn't find any trees I liked. I'll go to a different one later on but for now I'm content with this little guy I bought at the supermarket. :)

Not real picture of mine but it's the same product. :)
Donya said:
I only have room for a small table-top tree, and...well...I never actually took it down last year. Yay for infinite amounts of procrastination eventually appearing festive? LOL
I wish my dad would let us keep the decorations up all year :p
TT I love those little trees!
Oh guess what, my mom decided that the lights was not "enough" to cause public disturbance. So, she placed lights beside the house wall and the outside of the inner open area of the house lol.

Pics to follow! :D
It has already been commented that LV is only a beard away from being Santa.

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