everything is coming along better than i had hoped!!
i am full swing into EI dosing, and i can see results
the swords are putting out very colorful leaves, the rotala is growing quick and not losing any old leaves
the wisteria is making a quick recovery from the bba, and is growing quickly now with all hte extra nutrients
the crypt wendtii are reproducing fast and put out long clorful leaves
the planting is a little mish mashed right now, but that will sort out over time
as for fish, the bolivian rams are getting ready to spawn, and they are getting very colorful
the 4 otos i bought are still alive, and plump
the rainbowfish have amazing colors that shine in the proper light, which i love
for now, my time with angels is over
they just didnt work for my aquarium
but i got over that quick, and i love my stocking now
i also plan to get the pearl gourami a wife, because he is mature ,and probably would spawn
1 pearl gourami
4 very happy bleeding heart tetras(best color ive seen yet!!)
3 rummynoses(have to get more)
4 chubby otos
1 fat pleco(soon to go-chasing to manyfish/uprooting plants

4 australian rainbowfish(1.50 each?!?!?!?)
2 bolivian rams(happy quarrling couple)
1 False SAE-(yep the pet store got me!!)
1 large female rottwieler
what do you think of the stockin?
how do you think cardinal tetras would fare?
thanks so much to all the help i have gotten, especially from aaronnorth, thanks for stickin with me
(that was not a closing statement-im still updating the journal
