It Just Keeps Happening!


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2013
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chase got into princes half....again. twice.then prince got into chases half. each time i take which ever one was naughty out, and then i see if either one has any rips in their fins. there has been none.and each time i check the divider for gaps and there are none.the last time they were together, they swam so close that their fins touched, they didnt seem to notice, but i am getting worried. my only other conclusion is that they jump. are bettas known for jumping? the divider is more than an inch above the water, can they jump that?
Just having a lid wouldn't do anything. You need to find separate tanks for them. Immediately.
This is what my divider looks like from the top. There is no room between the lid or the top of divider for them to jump. 

From what I've been reading bettas are great jumpers. That is why people say you need to have a lid on your tank. On one side of my tank it's a little more open then the other side where the filter is so I do worry about one of my bettas taking a leap. So far he only seems interested in leaping at my finger when I'm feeding him. 
Do you have the dividers siliconed to the glass of the tank?  If not they may be pushing them aside just enough to swim to the other side.  Make sure there are no holes in the substrate they can be going under the divider as that is another option.  If there is any space, and I mean ANY between the top of the divider and the lid -- they can get to the other side.  Bettas can jump 5ft off the ground when needed so 1 inch of water is no deterrent to a betta wanting to jump the divider.  If you are having this much issue, it might be better for you to put them in separate tanks.  Just like some females can not be put in sororities and some bettas (male or female) can not live in any community tank, some males can not be kept in divided tanks safely.
I have always been totally paranoid about mine jumping out (I have lids on both of my betta set ups) but worry when doing tank maintenance even when I'm stood there!
However, I used to relax when Vader was swimming in 1" of water, thinking he'll never jump out now - wildbetta I am now going to be a nervous wreck lol. That tank lid is going to be replaced at all times during maintenance from now on!

Guppy, I would totally treat yourself to two separate tanks.

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