Hi there! Will be quick as I am well late to be asleep lol.
Saving eggs from being eaten: I have in the past made a little mesh box out of the plastic craft mesh, attached sucky cups and put the box over the eggs to let them harden over night, then remove the next day with a blade.
Keeping down on fungus: I use a tiny bit of myth blue on the eggs (just enough to tint the water) for a day in an old plastic butter tub (or whatever) and then change the water with a turkey baster. I like to keep the eggs separate with just a very low air bubbler until they hatch, then I put them in a glass bare bottomed tank with some sand in one corner until they are about 1cm or so, then put about 1/2 a cm of sand on the rest of the bottom. This way I can see if they are eating and remove any dead fry easily, as well as removing uneaten food and stuff with the turkey baster.
Eggs normally hatch 3-5 days, depending on temp. I either keep mine at 75 (pandas and so on) or at 85 (bronze etc) depending on species, as most fungus and ich do best in temps of 78-82, so having it just above or below helps keep illness down. Warmer is generally better then colder, though it does depend on species

If you have 2 males to 1 female you can normally expect 75-80% of healthy eggs to hatch, where with one male and one female, 40-60% (normally around 40%) should hatch, with 1 male and 2 females spawning at the same time, I would say around 20-30% should hatch, though maybe less as the poor little male will be over worked and well busy trying to keep up with two ladies
Hope I helped, take care and feel free to ask for more info and I will get back to you in better detail later when I am more awake