It Is Happening!

Congraturation for the new fishy. Now you should arramge some tiny food them to eat once they used up their lunch sack. When their round stomech shrink, you can start feeding them. Food like microworms , vinegar eels or green water. If you don't have any of these, you can add some fine plant like Java moss or little dirty looking squeezed water from the filter material like sponge. Or you can go get the baby fry food from the store. But do not feed too much to foul the water. Nothing kills the fry like fouled water from overfeeding. That is why Java moss is so great. The fry can find the food(micro organism) on them and the plant clean the water naturally.
Anyway, good luck raising them.

Yall weren't kidding about the tiny thing. I just thought guppy fry were small. These things are really hard to see. The tails aren't much bigger than a hair. I can't wait to see the rest of them... :wub:

If you think Cory frys are small, it will blow your mind when you see the Tetra frys.
Please explain green water. Are we talking the algae green water? I have a tank full of that that I just can't stop. Can I just put some of that in their net? They are in a breeding net right now in the origional tank. How do you get food that small to stay in there with them? Doesn't it just go right through? When should I start feeding? I can't see their bellies. They are too small and they are staying under the frame of the net most of the time.
Thanks! :good:
I have 6 little fry so far that I could find. I still have a few eggs that haven't hatched yet. I lost most of them to fungus I think. The ones I thought might be ok I put separate with meds. I can hope anyway. I had to move them so as to not take any chances of infecting the good ones.
Now I just have the problem of how to keep the food from going right through the net. Also, if yall don't mind the stupid question, is green water meaning the algae growing in the water what you feed to them? If so, how would I get that to stay in the net with them? Is there a trick to it, or do you just put it in and hope for the best?
Thanks :good:
You actually don't want the food to stay in the net as it will fungus. I put a bit of plant in the net and the fry get nutition from it. Green water fron the algae will stick to the netting as it passes through. The fry will find lots of nutrition. Overfeeding and fungus from leftover food are the biggest threats to fry. THe fact that it is easier to get the food to pass through is one of the big advantages to the net method.
ok. So they will get enough out of the food even though it goes streight through the net? I guess that would be why you feed so often. Cool. I have been trying to make sure that I keep the net clean.
Things seen to be going pretty good so far. They are growing very fast, and getting more active. I only ended up with a few, but if they live that is fine with me. Now that I have seen them I really want them to live. I am already very attached to them. They are so cute! I will get a picture up soon. :good:
My fry are learning! 3 of them came out tonight when I put the food in. That is the first time they have done that. :wub:

This is one of them. It isn't the best pic, but they are so small. I will get better ones when they grow a little.
I took some pics of the fry today.
first some of the eggs

This is some of the fry

In these 2 pics you can see what they really look like now. You can also see the difference between the older ones and new ones


Aren't they cute? I am so in love with them. They are even starting to get personalities already. It is so cool. I have 10 I think. I had 7 in the net. Those are the ones from the pics. I also found 3 in my 10g. I put the fungused ones in there with meds. I saw 3 swimming. There could be more. I'm not sure yet. I was cleaning and saw something move. I was so surprised. I didn't expect any of them to make it. I hadn't even been feeding them. I am now though.
I will add more pics as they grow.
Thanks for all the help! I couldn't have done this with out yall.
:thanks: :friends:
:wub: Aaaw, they are really cute. Congrats. It's always a brilliant feeling when your eggs hatch and you have these tiny little things darting around.

Look forward to updates and good luck with the fry.

:cool: :clap:


I am noticing that the Atison's Betta Starter and the Hikari First Bites don't fungus as quickly and do pass through the net better than the HBH Fry Bites. I have to watch the HBH Fry Bites closely and make sure to shake it through the net at the end of the day. The Atison's sinks better and stays cleaner. The Hikari First Bites is a very fine powder, and I just started using it.
I am using Hikari first bites and soaked shrimp pellets. I also have put in a little soaked crushed flake food too. I am going to try soaking a small piece of algae tabs soon and see how that goes.
By the way... I found tons of eggs again, but this time they were all clear white. Do they sometimes fail to fertilize the whole lot?
Thanks for everything.
I will add more pics when they grow a little. :good:
Hey! I lost most of them. The other fish were harassing them through the net. I moved the remaining 3 to the 10g. I have these 3 and one new one that just hatched about 3 days ago. It is too small to get pics yet. Here are the others though.

now... this is the one with the most black

this is the clear one with spots

this one is completely see through

this one is just too cute

The one that is clear and the almost clear ones are really hard to get a picture of. I have trouble finding them, and when I do the camera has trouble picking them up.
They are really growing fast, but are still very small. They start out so tiny. They actually look and act like corys now though.
Also... either my adults have stopped spawning or the eggs have been eaten before I knew they were there.
I will add more later
Thanks for all the help :good:
Sorry about the losses. -_-

Sounds like the net doesn't work for you. Sorry. Keep at it you will find the routine that works for you.
Here are a couple of recent pics
View attachment 42355

View attachment 42354

This one looks different. the belly is kind of like a clear bubble. Is something wrong with it or is it ok?
View attachment 42353

By the way...I put the net in the tank to let them get out on their own... I may have been wrong about some of the losses. While doing water change and cleaning some of the plants... I found more fish! I saw 4 decent sized ones and about 5 smaller ones. They hide so well they are hard to find. They are really fast too.
I will get more pics up soon.

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