Is This Suitable For A 55 Gallon

Sailfin Zach

Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2011
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I have a 55 gallon South American Tank just wanted to know is this okay.

1x Thick Lip Gourami I know hes Asian I just have no where to put him
2x Bolivian Ram Pair
1x Golden Panda Molly
1x Hi-fin platy
1x Swordtail
1x Marigold Varitus
12x Neon Tetras
8x Flame Tetras
6x Glowlight Tetras
1x Pleco

Number-wise you're fine, although I'd prefer to see a larger shoal of one tetra species rather than smaller shoals of lots; it looks better and the fish behave more naturally, but it's a personal thing.

The only real problem I can see is your plec. Depending on what species it is, it could outgrow your tank.
The livebearers and the tetras/cichlids come from quite different areas of South America, so they have pretty much the opposite water ideals.

I strongly recommend that you skip on the mollies, platys and swordtails, and have more glowlight tetras instead. As fluttermoth said, careful about the pleco! I recommend that you chose a species which grows up to 4-6" maximum according to planetcatfish. Also be careful with the rams, if they are new fish, to chose a pair and by "pair" I mean a romantically involved couple, not two individuals of the opposite sex.

If you do go for the livebearers, make sure that all four are male, or one male and three females (where both platys are female), as it is possible for there to be cross-species mating aggression.
The plec is a brislenose ive had the rams for 6-7 months now and the live bearers once in a blue moon i see the molly and the platy go at it.

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