Sailfin Zach
Fish Crazy
I have a 55 gallon South American Tank just wanted to know is this okay.
1x Thick Lip Gourami I know hes Asian I just have no where to put him
2x Bolivian Ram Pair
1x Golden Panda Molly
1x Hi-fin platy
1x Swordtail
1x Marigold Varitus
12x Neon Tetras
8x Flame Tetras
6x Glowlight Tetras
1x Pleco
1x Thick Lip Gourami I know hes Asian I just have no where to put him
2x Bolivian Ram Pair
1x Golden Panda Molly
1x Hi-fin platy
1x Swordtail
1x Marigold Varitus
12x Neon Tetras
8x Flame Tetras
6x Glowlight Tetras
1x Pleco