I was in Wal-Mart a few days ago and looked at their fish section.... I noticed there was (this is pretty gross) halves of Guppies and small goldfish at the top of the Oscar and African Cichlid tanks. From what I can see, since these fish were too small to eat the entire goldfish/guppy (the Oscar was pretty small) they.... chopped up some fish that may have died in other tanks and just floated them on top of these other two tanks as food! I was REALLY grossed out. I understand feeder fish but these were like.... halves of fish. Is this done normally or was I seeing something odd and.... gross? I couldn't believe my eyes, HALVES OF FISH, cut clean in half, just floating there. Most of them were uneaten by the way... and not just one of two dead fish, I think I saw 2 cut-in-halfs goldfish in one tank and about 4 chopped up guppies in the other.
Have you ever seen this? I wanted to say something because it was disgusting. Also, I saw a container of flake food in the Betta section (right near by) so I have no idea who or why this is being done.
Have you ever seen this? I wanted to say something because it was disgusting. Also, I saw a container of flake food in the Betta section (right near by) so I have no idea who or why this is being done.