Is This Pleco Poo?

Yeah. Im after a Tetratec EX600

go bigger, the ex700 or even the ex1200 (which i ran on a 130 litre plec tank) are not that much extra cash for lots more turnover + filtration

the gravel is an important part of MY filtration system, so cleaning it would cause problems.

I fail to see any reason as to why it would cause problems...

yes that confuses me as well!
go bigger, the ex700 or even the ex1200 (which i ran on a 130 litre plec tank) are not that much extra cash for lots more turnover + filtration

Yeah i know but the current may be too strong for my Rekord 80, and il probably have to turn it down, which means paying the extra for it would be pointless lol. The EX600 is for tanks upto 120, and since mine is 80 then it should do fine i think :)
I took some of the media out that had nothing on and got some of the black bio balls from my dads external filter and plonked them in four days ago along with a water change. I tested my ammonia the following day and it was still the same - so the water change may not have fully contributed to the end result. Just tested the water today and good news is that my ammonia has almost completely gone so i have to assume the media from my dads tank has helped. Also sorted my pH problem by adding that tufa rock, would still like some coral in though to raise it a little more.
mines a 60 uk gal tank and have 405 external and a fluval 4 plus inside hoping to get rid of the 4 plus and get another external as my bn a ####ting machines gone mad

cheers dane
when i started out with a small 30ltr corner tank i was sold a common pleco, when i got up the next day the tank was full off poo, i couldn't believe how much poo a small 1.5" fish could produce, i took him back that day cause 1- he pooped to much and 2- i found out how big they get ..

iv now got a starlight bn in the 180ltr tank and though he poops i don't think he poos that much, must feed him more lol ..

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