Is this okay for a betta?


New Member
Jun 15, 2004
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I bought one of these today. I've got it filled with water and the filter running. I plan to add a betta in a few weeks.

Is this a good enough home for a betta? It's 1.77 US gallons, so hopefully that's enough. It comes with an Elite Mini sponge filter, colored gravel, water conditioner and silk plant. Do I need anything else? My room is usually toasty warm. Do I have to have the filter? Do I need a light? How often should I change the water and how do I do it?

Anyway, here's a pic of the tank (I bought the purple colored version):

The display bettas in the pet shop down the road from me get these little houses, and they are excellent. All of the fish I've seen in them (teeny tiny gold fish and betta) have all looked very happy to be in the houses like that.

The size is great for a single betta, and he (or she) should really like it :)

Filters are always good. It means less work for you. Your fish likes filters, and since it seems to already be in the package, it costs you nothing extra but a plug to run it, for lots of benefits. As for lights, thats up to you. I have fish houses with and without lights, and they don't seem to mind it either way... except when I forget to turn it off at night. They -don't- like that too much. :)

Good luck with your fish.
Personally, I don't like to see bettas in small homes, but I've never had one of these specifically, and from was beccablain says, it's sounds pretty good.

Since you have a filter, you probably want only a 20-30% water change a week. For small tanks like that I like to keep 'back-up water', water that's already been treated and aged in a clean container to replace the water you take out from the tank. Since 1.77 gallons really isn't a whole lot, be careful not to overfeed Mr. Betta so that your tank doesn't get horribly dirty. You might think of an addition of a snail or two :)
Wow! That looks really cool! And with a built-in filter! I gotta get me one-a-dese!!! :hyper:
that is a nice looking tank. I'd say it would make a good home, considering some of the tanks out there. i got to find those around here.
I forgot to mention that I took some pictures of the tank. My card reader for my digital camera is hooped, so I'll try and get a new one today and upload the pictures for those who are interested.

As for the fish, I won't get one until next month. I'm going away on vacation in October and will not buy a betta until after I get back, since there will be no one home to feed him during that time.

Thanks for the advice from everybody so far. If things go well, I may have to buy another tank, this time in orange. And I might even go so far as to have a live bettacam set up. So, stay tuned! :)
A little late, but here are the pictures so far (no betta yet):

My Betta Tank

The CD is there to show the size of the thing. I bought and added another silk plant. The filter is pretty quiet and was easy to set up. I'm planning to get a thermometer to monitor the temp.

I may do a fishless cycle when I get back, or try Bio-Spira (is that stuff worth it?). The filter sponge is to be replaced every month or two... wouldn't that reset the cycle? Should I just rinse the sponge and keep it as long as I can?

Anyway, thanks for all the advice so far, and I'd apppreciate any input if you have it...
:hyper: I'm with bkk, I gotta get one of those!! I love it!! A size I really like, it's cute, and it comes with a filter - SCORE! :D

Now for money... -_-

Anyways, to stay on topic, I think that's a great little tank and I'm sure you'll find a wonderful little guy or gal to go in it!! :thumbs:

Edit: If you don't mind, how much was it? :unsure: It's uhh 16 or something online, but usually stores are more expensive so I'm wondering if I can even wish to afford it. If you don't wanna tell me that's fine too. :nod:
It was $29.95 Canadian dollars. We always pay more... :(

Anyway, I've set up my webcam. Nothing to see yet, but it's a preview. Let me know if it works:

In the daytime, it's really bad because there are too many reflections, even with all the blinds down. In the evening, it's not much better because of the odd shape of the tank. Once I get my betta in mid-October, I'll see how it goes. I may only run it for a few weeks and then be done with it, since the picture qualityprobably won't be very good. I wish I had a bigger room with more controlled lighting and a rectangular tank, but oh well...
asmack said:
It was $29.95 Canadian dollars. We always pay more... :(

Anyway, I've set up my webcam. Nothing to see yet, but it's a preview. Let me know if it works:
Sweet! Looks good to me. What software do you use to update your cam? I've been using Webcam32 and ConquerCam and I'm looking for something better.
mandi said:
asmack said:
It was $29.95 Canadian dollars. We always pay more... :(

Anyway, I've set up my webcam. Nothing to see yet, but it's a preview. Let me know if it works:
Sweet! Looks good to me. What software do you use to update your cam? I've been using Webcam32 and ConquerCam and I'm looking for something better.
I use EvoCam by Evological (Mac only).

For Windows, you might want to try Windows Media Encoder...

asmack said:
mandi said:
asmack said:
It was $29.95 Canadian dollars. We always pay more... :(

Anyway, I've set up my webcam. Nothing to see yet, but it's a preview. Let me know if it works:
Sweet! Looks good to me. What software do you use to update your cam? I've been using Webcam32 and ConquerCam and I'm looking for something better.
I use EvoCam by Evological (Mac only).

For Windows, you might want to try Windows Media Encoder...

Haha figures -- they make all the good stuff for macs!! :p (At least, when it comes to video & graphics stuff...)

I'll have to check out that link though - thanks! :)
asmack said:
It was $29.95 Canadian dollars. We always pay more... :(
wow... only 29.95?? i live in a small city in ontario, and the pet shops around here sell that for at least 34.95. i really love the tank. when i first saw them at the pet stores i wanted one.. but since i got a free 15 gallon tank (i've finally put dividers in and will cycle the tank soon... so i can put my healthy bettas in there)... now i really really want one!! i absolutely love the blue!!! :cool:

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