It is time for me to interject Duck and Dive. RO water is fine for topping off a tank where you have lots of evaporation but it is a terrible idea for water changes on typical livebearers. Livebearers, the ones that are readily available, are hard water fish or very hard water fish. Putting them into soft or demineralized water may keep a particular element out of their environment, such as nitrogen, but it will eventually make the fish sickly looking. If you have not done too many pure RO water changes you may not have done much harm but when talking about water changes I would rather a 30% change with tap twice a week to a 10% change ever with RO. RO deprives the fish of the needed minerals in their water. We don't know specifically what fish Rexx is raising but in this livebearers forum I am going to guess it is not angels or tetras that would appreciate the soft water.