Is This Little Milky Cloudyness Ok?


New Member
Jun 7, 2008
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I Done some researching before setting up my aquarium and done everything that i was told to do, i clean gravel with the cleaner and remove no more than 20% of the water i do this 1 - 2 times a week but i still have a little bit of cloud near top of tank, i think i read somewhere that this is good bacteria killing the amonia is this true?
My fish are all still happy enough, but things can change quickly enough.

Let me know your thoughts or suggestions thanks. :good:

I Done some researching before setting up my aquarium and done everything that i was told to do, i clean gravel with the cleaner and remove no more than 20% of the water i do this 1 - 2 times a week but i still have a little bit of cloud near top of tank, i think i read somewhere that this is good bacteria killing the amonia is this true?
My fish are all still happy enough, but things can change quickly enough.

Let me know your thoughts or suggestions thanks. :good:

:hi: to the forum taylorlaud19!!!

it looks like you hve a bacteria bloom here but there could be a few things happening, a bcateria bloom is harmfull to the fish even if they look healthy now.

Can you aswer the questions below as this will help determine exactly what is happening and be able to advise much beter what to do wnad where to go.

What cleaner did you use to clean the gravel ???

How long has the tank been set up before you added fish ???

Has the tank been Cycled ??

How long have you had the cloudiness ??

do you have a water test kit ?? if so what are your water stats ???

If you dont have a test kit did your lfs test your water before you bought the fish ??

P.s would i be guessing right that you got the setup from pets at home ???
Hey Scott and Ty, um When i said cleaner i meant the gravel syphon (sorry for not stating tht :blink: ) uh i had the tank set up started the cycle with fish food? raised the temp up a little too used conditioner and cycle, then on the 7th day i introduced the fish to the tank. i will do a test for you now and tell you the results :

General Hardness: 60
Carbonate Hardness: 40 - 80
PH: 7 - 7.5
N02: 0.5 - 1
N03: 20
(all ppm (mg/l) )

yeah i got the setup from Pets at home, (however the fish i didnt)

the cloudiness has been there for about 3 - 4 days

p.s i haven't been over feeding them too :)

look forward to hearing from you.
Hey Scott and Ty, um When i said cleaner i meant the gravel syphon (sorry for not stating tht :blink: ) uh i had the tank set up started the cycle with fish food? raised the temp up a little too used conditioner and cycle, then on the 7th day i introduced the fish to the tank. i will do a test for you now and tell you the results :

General Hardness: 60
Carbonate Hardness: 40 - 80
PH: 7 - 7.5
N02: 0.5 - 1
N03: 20
(all ppm (mg/l) )

yeah i got the setup from Pets at home, (however the fish i didnt)

the cloudiness has been there for about 3 - 4 days

p.s i haven't been over feeding them too :)

look forward to hearing from you.
yeah this is going to be a bacteria bloom, Can you take an Ammonia read as well ??? (NH3 /NH4) a cycle will not have occured in 7 days especially using fish food as they kick starter, now that you have fish unless you are able to take them back to the fish shop or re house in an established tank or a friends tank you need to do a fish in cycle. I would recomend doing large water changes daily for the ime being as you have fish in an un cycled tank.

a cycle is basicaly fish poop turns into amonia which is like carbon monoxide is to us, the "beneficial bacteria" in the filter then converts the amonia to Nitrite, which then converts to nitrate and to remove the nitrate we do the partial water change.

As there is no beneficial bacteria in your filter as it is new your little eco system is struggling with the bioload that the fish are creating. as the bacteria are starting to grow and try to deal with the load they are doing as best as can but no were nr enough that is needed which is where the cloudy water also comes in as there arnt enough of the bacteria.

Its like giving 1 person the work of 3 persons, that 1 person will not cope untill the other 2 come along to help out, untill then theres is a strugle and you get behind in what you need to be doing.

take a look HERE this is a link to a post miss wiggles wrote on fish in cycling, if you are able to i would recomend re homing the fish and doing a fishless cycle which instructions can be found HERE

have a good look at the pinned topics in the new to the hobby section they are a great resource !!!! and ask as many questions you may have even if you think they are silly. there is only one silly question and that is one that is not asked, were all here to help and all started out having v little if any knowlege on fish keeping.


I is a little harder than at first thought especially when the advise your first given are get a tank put water in put fish food in for a week then out fish in, i am guessing this is what you have been told.
Thanks for the great response and help scotty it helped alot, i had a look at the links you posted they also helped alot, when i read it i went to 2 local fish stores, i asked if they had some media from one of there tanks that they could give/sell me or if they could take me fishes both answers were no, so basically i gotta go for the bad option and basically get through the cycle with the fish in the tank. so i stocked up on cycle, conditioner and some stress coat (advised by fish store) i also gave them a sample of my water to test and it come back tht yes there is amonia in the water :-(. they advised me to go back with a water sample in 2 weeks to see how the cycle is going too. but with the help of this forum and good info from you guys i hope things go well.

And your last statement about me being advised to put fish flakes in the water to start the cycle then 7 days later put the fishes in is yep thats what i was told :blink:

It was all a rush to tell the truth as my fiance's house unfortunately went on fire and the fish i now have were in the house for 2 days in un-heated/un-filtered water (We were not able to salvage anything until told the house was safe enough to go into) so when advised it was save i went in and rescued them to tell the truth im suprised they didn't die, at first they were all swimming round in circles all confused so i had to put them into a large plastic box (temp) until i got a tank, they must be fighters :) so these fish have went through alot and i basically needed to learn how to care for fish in a matter of hours/day i have to admit i like looking after fish its a good thing to do with some spare time.

so ill keep you updated with my test results and water condition and you can hopefully advise me what is best to do?

Ta for the help. taylor
Thanks for the great response and help scotty it helped alot, i had a look at the links you posted they also helped alot, when i read it i went to 2 local fish stores, i asked if they had some media from one of there tanks that they could give/sell me or if they could take me fishes both answers were no, so basically i gotta go for the bad option and basically get through the cycle with the fish in the tank. so i stocked up on cycle, conditioner and some stress coat (advised by fish store) i also gave them a sample of my water to test and it come back tht yes there is amonia in the water :-(. they advised me to go back with a water sample in 2 weeks to see how the cycle is going too. but with the help of this forum and good info from you guys i hope things go well.

And your last statement about me being advised to put fish flakes in the water to start the cycle then 7 days later put the fishes in is yep thats what i was told :blink:

It was all a rush to tell the truth as my fiance's house unfortunately went on fire and the fish i now have were in the house for 2 days in un-heated/un-filtered water (We were not able to salvage anything until told the house was safe enough to go into) so when advised it was save i went in and rescued them to tell the truth im suprised they didn't die, at first they were all swimming round in circles all confused so i had to put them into a large plastic box (temp) until i got a tank, they must be fighters :) so these fish have went through alot and i basically needed to learn how to care for fish in a matter of hours/day i have to admit i like looking after fish its a good thing to do with some spare time.

so ill keep you updated with my test results and water condition and you can hopefully advise me what is best to do?

Ta for the help. taylor

No probs were all here to help. remember to keep up on the water changes and try to pick up an ammonia test kit so you can see when the ammonia is getting too high and water change is needed. Good luck with the cycle and remember any questions just ask !!!!!
Okay this is what was told by the petstore:

Limit it to 1 20% water change per week
when doing water change rinse the media in the water that comes out?
2 flakes of food per fish once a day
add 2 caps of cycle per 3 days
add stress coat 1ce a week

what do you think? go with that or do you suggest different?

and yea i'll get myself an amonia tester too :good:

Would a live plant help at all, or are they best to maintain the nitrate level when the cycle has finished?

and should i set up a 30L tank as a reserve tank incase things happen? is this what they call a Q - tank? or hospitol (or hospital) tank, omg i forgot how to spell hospitol (hospital) dictionary here i come!

Okay this is what was told by the petstore:

Limit it to 1 20% water change per week NO see below
when doing water change rinse the media in the water that comes out?Yes ONLY was filter media in old tank water but not needed every water change (see below)
2 flakes of food per fish once a day- feed fish just enought that they can eat all the flake within a min wouldnt say just 2 flake each only aswhen your tank is cycled and you feed the fish more, they will produce more waste and the filter will be thinking wow whats this were not ready for this yet and you will then have a mini cycle, i would say feed your fish as you will be when the tank is cyced.
add 2 caps of cycle per 3 days Not really needed see below.
add stress coat 1ce a week is good i use it myself when doing water changes and introducing new fish

what do you think? go with that or do you suggest different?

and yea i'll get myself an amonia tester too :good:

Would a live plant help at all, or are they best to maintain the nitrate level when the cycle has finished? adding live plants now is ok !!!, live plants feed off of nitrates so will help cycle a tiny iny bit but removing some nitrate that they feed off of.

and should i set up a 30L tank as a reserve tank incase things happen? is this what they call a Q - tank? or hospitol (or hospital) tank, omg i forgot how to spell hospitol (hospital) dictionary here i come! A hospital tank is always a good idea, see below for more info.


because your cycling with fish in if you leave the water to only 1 change of 20% per week you will kill all the fish strait away. you need the amonia test kit to test the water every day, u need to be keeping ammonia to 0, Ammonia Burns the skin of fish, whyle the tak is cycling you need to test the water, if u get an ammonia read do a 20% water change, (this is likley be needed every single day for a few weeks) when you find that the water reads are showing 0 and its been a day since u changed the water it means you are pretty much cycled, test again later that day and if still 0 this is good.

now check the nitrite and the nitrate, again nitrite should be 0 (this suffocates the fish). if nitrite is found again do a 20% water change (while you have ammonia you will have nitrites)

When it comes to nitrates, these are not as bad to fish, try and keep the nitrate to below 50ppm preff less than 20ppm, t this stage you will now be doing weekly / fortnightly water changes and you tank has cycled, this can however take a few weeks.

If you are able to find anyone close by friends or lfs or even a donor from this forum who can give you some old and matured filter media this can speed the cycle up and can take as little as 2 / 3 days.

when you are doing the water changes both during cycle and normal also use a syphon / gravel vac and suck up the waste and uneaten food and poop this will cut donw on the ammnia in the tank when cycling.

you dnot need to be washing out the filter media unless it is looking gunked up or if you notice reduced flow, as the lfs has said when you wash oout the media DO NOT USE TAP WATER !!!!!!, wash the media out in the old tanks water !!!, Chloramine and chlorine in the tap water and unconditioned water kills the bacteria and will put you back to the start.

With cycle you to be honest dont realy need it !! alot of it is sold o people saying it will cycle your tank quicker but i=IMO it doesnt, you have fish producing waste aka ammonia that will cycle the media, you cant bottle the bacteria as it needs constant flowing water and the ammonia to keep it alive, You cant bottle that lol.

Hosptial / QT tank, these are always usefull for those JUST INCASE moments or adding new stock, when getting or looking for a qt tank you want to make sure that it is bg enough to house the largest fish you have when at adult hood, so if your largest fish can survive in a 30L then 30L will be fine.

a hospital tank / qt tank doesnt need to be kept up and running all the time but does still need to have a matured filter, there are a few ways of going about this, some people run a secondary filter in their main tank and when the QT / hospital tank is needed they take some water from the main and put into the QT then top the rest of the QT up with fresh (de chlorinated water) then ad heater and put the fish into the tank, when the tank is not needed they empty the water and put the filter back into the main tank.

The other optioon th one that i prefoer is, instead of running 2x filters in 1 tank i take the media out of the filter housing for my QT and put it into the housing of my main tank so i have both medias in the same canister, (this is not always poss for all tanks as may not have enough space for "spare media" in the filter housing)
When i need to set up my QT i take out the "Spare media" put it back into the smaller housing for the QT filter and agin take some main tank water and put in the QT and top up with fresh de chlorinated water. whn im done and the filer media has not been used to teat desiese i put the media back in my main canister filter fot the main tank, this way i dont need a 2nd housing running in th main tank.

I mainly use my QT tank for new stock, it is best that when you get new fish to put them into the QT tank for 2 weeks jut incase any illness desies apears, this way if it does it wont affect and possibly wipe ut your main tank.

HERE is a list of forum members that are able to donate media, u may find someone near you that may be able to help. where in the uk are u ?? if u prefer to pm town or county thats ok
HERE is a list of forum members that are able to donate media, u may find someone near you that may be able to help. where in the uk are u ?? if u prefer to pm town or county thats ok

I'm in fife, scotland. i see some1 else is from fife on the list do they need to have the same filter? u got msn scotty? if so PM ur address and ill add you?

got an ammonia tester today result came back at between 0.5 and 1 :unsure:
just finished another 20% change, how many times u reckon i should clean the filter and rinse the media in the removed water? and gravel too?

Don't clean the filter; you need to give it as much help to build up bacteria as possible. As for the filter media, any type of sponge that someone could donate will help you massively. I'd put some live plants in there, too, something very fast growing; Elodea Densa would be perfect. Several bunches would be best.
Don't clean the filter; you need to give it as much help to build up bacteria as possible. As for the filter media, any type of sponge that someone could donate will help you massively. I'd put some live plants in there, too, something very fast growing; Elodea Densa would be perfect. Several bunches would be best.

Ty for reply, ok so i should leave cleaning the filter until the cycle has complete? what about the gravel cleaning how often you think i should syphon it? doesnt it have the good bacteria too?

HERE is a list of forum members that are able to donate media, u may find someone near you that may be able to help. where in the uk are u ?? if u prefer to pm town or county thats ok

I'm in fife, scotland. i see some1 else is from fife on the list do they need to have the same filter? u got msn scotty? if so PM ur address and ill add you?

got an ammonia tester today result came back at between 0.5 and 1 :unsure:
just finished another 20% change, how many times u reckon i should clean the filter and rinse the media in the removed water? and gravel too?


Ah good old Fife, i lived in Dunfermline / Rosyth for several years

the filter media doesnt need the same filter as yours, you should be able to cut and adapt it to fit into your filter.

I would recomend testing 2 / 3 times a day and if ammonia is showing do a 20% water change.

Changing the filter media only needs to be done when the current media is falling to bits or you see bits of the media coming out of the filter, Cleaning the filter media depends on how quickly it gets gunked up, i would say take a look every 2 /3 weeks and rinse if neeed, or if you notice a reduction in flow of water through the filter give the media a rinse in the old tank water.

i would do a gravel vac each time you do a water change unless there isnt much poop or food rotting on the gravel.

Ive sent a pm with my msn add.
Don't clean the filter; you need to give it as much help to build up bacteria as possible. As for the filter media, any type of sponge that someone could donate will help you massively. I'd put some live plants in there, too, something very fast growing; Elodea Densa would be perfect. Several bunches would be best.

Ty for reply, ok so i should leave cleaning the filter until the cycle has complete? what about the gravel cleaning how often you think i should syphon it? doesnt it have the good bacteria too?


There's very little bacteria in the gravel and none at all in the water. Once you can get some mature filter media alongside yours, it will double in number in around 24 hours. Vacuuming the gravel won't hurt, as the filter can't do anything with the gunk that's in there. As you're doing fish-in cycling, a water change everyday wouldn't hurt, it will ease the stress on the fish. Don't forget the dechlorinator.
General Hardness: 60
Carbonate Hardness: 40 - 80
PH: 7 - 7.5
N02: 0.5 - 1
N03: 20
(all ppm (mg/l) )

General Hardness: a little higher
Carbonate Hardness: 40 - 80
PH: 7 - 7.5
N02: 0 - 0.5
N03: 0 - 20

Do you think these results are getting better?
does anyone know what the general hardness and carbonate hardness should be roughly?

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