Is This Dgiv?


Mostly New Member
Jun 8, 2014
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Not a great week and a half as far as fish  go for me.  The Black molly seems to be recovering well from the Ich, but when I checked my tank today My DG wasn't looking good.  He is acting normal, very energetic and eating well, but I noticed his coloration looked off and his dorsal fin seemed a bit shriveled towards his front.
All water parameters have been normal.
Here are some hi-res pictures:

And through the dissecting scope:

I can't tell clearly whether the white is covering scales, or if it is where scales have been peeling off, but I am leaning towards the latter.
Any help/tips would be highly appreciated.
I wound up putting the DG into my Quarantine tank where I was heat-treating my Mollie for Ich (which seems to be going very well).  His sores got worse for about a day or two, but the next day after that all the white was gone and they looked like they were healing up very well.  He is still very happy and energetic (though he would prefer to be in a bigger tank right now).  His pelvic fins were shredded by whatever this was, but appear to have started to regrow.  They are both bifurcated past about a quarter-inch of fin, and just trail off in long wispy bits.
I'd like to get him moved back over, but will probably give both fish another 3-4 days in the heat to ensure no more Ich pops up on the black molly before I do. 
Both fish are doing very well given the tight fit in the quarantine tank.  They have acclimated  well to the elevated temperature (30.3 deg. c) and aren't showing any signs of stress.
What other fish do you have in your main tank and how big is it? even if the fish recover in quarantine they will most likely get ill again once placed back if the main tank is not treated or left fishless for some time as the ich will still be in there, it sounds like they may be stressed for some reason or another 

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