Is This Black Phantom Deformed?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
New Jersey, USA

Thanks for looking
May be a bad pic (i.e you caught it at a bad angle), but usually when they are healthy their fins are erect unless they are in a swimming motion (not hovering about, but moving left/right, sorry i've explained that bad, sure you know what i mean). Its rear fin seems curved up slightly, but doesnt seem to be 'deformed' as such.
As long as its swimming around ok, and seems healthy, i'm sure there is nothing to worry about.
If it is not a photograph annomaly and the rear end really is bent up as it appears, then yes, there is either a deformity or damage. A small amount of deformity is not a real problem if the fish is able to swim, balance feed etc.
Nice photo :snap: DanMan092. My black phantoms fins are always flaired and my eye has never caught an angle on my fish like your fish did/has.

How do your serpae tetras get along with your black phantom? I've been thinking about adding a few serpae tetras to my collection.
If the tail is bent yes it's a dorformity, i had a platy with a bent tail, it had dropsy and the tail went bent.
He really looks like that. Believe it or not, that is a perfect picture. He has been like that for a while and is perfectly healthy! It is kind of funny to watch him swim, he kinda bobs up and down :lol: I got 3, but 2 died except for this guy. And Gazoo, these guys are VERY close to the serpaes, most people who see my tank think he's albino! That only way to tell if its a serpae is that the back fin and body are different colors. They actually school with eachother! I had a school of 6 serpaes and 3 black phantoms. I wonder if he's lonely...maybe I should get him some new buddies. But new kuhlis are priority :-(

EDIT: I didn't realize it, but he is so FAT! :lol:
Just wanted to say that that's a female as you've been calling her a 'he'. :p Got to say she looks a little 'faded' but it may just be the picture. As long as she's healthy, any deformities shouldn't be an issue. About serpaes and phantoms - serpaes nip (sort of), phantoms don't (usualy) ;). Just be careful what you mix them with.
You should see my danio that has a spine like a snake /\/\ and swims in spirals. I feel real sorry for him, but I let him live cause somehow he manages to get his own food.

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