Is This Big Enough For My 2 Fantails?


Fish Addict
Jul 4, 2009
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Hiya, i currently have 4 fish in an 88litre which are 2 small orandas and 2 large fantails, im giving the orandas away and keeping my fantails, is an 88litre big enough for these 2 fantails, there both about 3inch long.
Also what live plants are good in a coldwater tank?
I don't honestly think that's big enough. Add another 40 litres on n it'd be ok.

What are the dimensions? They may be ok in there for awhile, just until you can find slightly more suitable accommodation.

Pretty much all tropical plants will be ok in an indoor coldwater tank. But be aware goldies are notorious plant eaters...and 'can' gorge themselves to the point of becoming ill.
Tank Dimentions,
88litres, is as big as my parents will allow, so i figured just to get rid of the other 2 orandas, which will create a whole lot more space :)
Also one of my fantails is pregnaunt so im gonna leave them to eat the eggs.
That tank would be perfect for one fully grown one or 2 small ones.

I highly doubt it has eggs, how big is the fish?
Both fish are just under 3inch.
There both quite podgey, so im only feeding once a week isntead.
What food do your recommend, im all over the place with foods for them?
A 3" fish is not sexually mature. 5" is when they become sexually mature.

I would feed a steady diet of flake food, fresh greens (lettuce/cucumber), and meats (frozen brine shrimp). I would feed the bloated one some cooked peas to try to loosen him up.
that size tank is not suitable for any of those need about a 40 gallon for 1 fantail and for all of your fish about 80 gallons and some big external filters...goldfish produce LOTS of ammonia through osmosis...way more than fecal matter. a 130 litre tank is suitable for 1 of them as long as it has an external filter.

i would rehome them...and go tropical
I really couldnt rehome them, im so attached to them ive had them a year and a half, ill get rid of the orandas within the next few days and try persuade my parents to let me upgrade my tank at christmas.
that size tank is not suitable for any of those need about a 40 gallon for 1 fantail and for all of your fish about 80 gallons and some big external filters...goldfish produce LOTS of ammonia through osmosis...way more than fecal matter. a 130 litre tank is suitable for 1 of them as long as it has an external filter.

i would rehome them...and go tropical

I've never ever heard that. Are you sure your not thinking about comet goldfish? Fantails don't get bigger than 7-8". 20g per is the rule for fancys.
15g per fish after an initial 20 gallons for fancies you have a 22 gallon tank which is enough for one fancy only however as they are small you can have the benefit of the doubt and the two of them will be fine until Christmas when you really have to upgrade to a larger tank for them to be happy.
I was told 40litre per fancy fish on another forum.
I think there fine in this until i can upgrade, they used to be in a 21litre now i can only think of how little space they had, so to be honest from a 21ltr to an 88litre, thats a giant upgrade to them, i only upgraded about 3, 4 months ago.
There so happy in this tank, but if i can upgrade at xmas i will, bither god they have grown tho!
I feel so TITE on the orandas tho :(
I know that technically that they will be much happier in 88l than 21l. But I don't think anyone is suggesting that they need another upgrade for their 'happiness'.
It is purely for their health.
In 88l they run the risk of stunted growth and/or health issue with regards to water quality.
Perfect example being that as they are such big waste producers nitrates will increase much much faster than with 'normal' fish. As you will know Nitrates as a 'certain' level begin to cause problems in the same way that low levels of ammonia and nitrite do. And with less water to dilute it in they can easily reach harmful levels between weekly water changes.
Well i'll see about an upgrade at chirstmas, i dont mind paying the money i mean at christmas i have atleast £200 to spend on whatever i like.
What do you suggest i upgrade to, 100litre?
The problem is i might not be able to upgrade my parents say the tanks giant you could fit about 8 fish in their and all this stuff so its so hard they dont understand!
If i can upgrade at christmas which i hope i am allowed then i dont wana go mad on tank size, just something a reasonable size big enough for the fish to live their whole life in.
Even if they dont let me upgrade, ill get a new fluval filter and try my best to upgrade on other things, if i can't upgrade i may have to think about rehoming the fish in their best interest.
You're looking at 120l AT LEAST to be honest.
With bigger being significantly better.

My tank is 125l and is only an inch or two bigger than yours in length. So it doesn't have to be massively bigger lengthwise to give them a suitable place to live.
Ok, I'll plan on a 125litre, tbh anything over 100litre is lucky for me if im allowed :)

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