Is this Ammonia Burn?

You're welcome Ken ;)
Angel does the semi-circle swoop to our Firemouth! :blink: I thought he was doing it because he resembles a neon more than anyone else in the tank - I read somewhere that neons are Angels natural prey. He's never even blinked at the zebra danios. I might take my chances and get some, because I love 'em - but wonder how welcome they'll be! :look:
Hopefully Fred stays cool as the only Firemouth in the community.
Ken_g_w said:
On another note, the firemouth may well be easily chased away now, but in a few months you may find he is a bit more aggressive in return, and in a year or two will most likely reeking terror on the Angel, so keep a close watch as things develop.
Well so much for Fred staying cool :look: He became progressively more aggressive over the past few days and I'm returning him to my LFS this evening because he won't leave Angel or the Bala Sharks alone all of a sudden. :byebye:


It should be interesting... I got some neons. Angel was extremely interested and lunging at them in the bag :look: but hasn't really paid them any attention since they've entered the community. :) Hopefully they're all here in the morning.

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