Fish Connoisseur
I think those fish are the Ugliest Beauties i have ever seen, What do you need to house a few of those bad boys?
A 30" tank minimum IMO
I think those fish are the Ugliest Beauties i have ever seen, What do you need to house a few of those bad boys?
my LFS still has the smaller Jade goby that i saw a few weeks backdo you think that an adult would be incompatible with Red-Eye Tetras and a Paradise Fish? (I'm not really concerned for the plecs or the dojo loach
Well i dont think its a Morgurnda species, by its streamlined shape and flat pointed head i would say it is almost certainly one of the Eleotris species or possibly one of the Ophieleotris species. Keep an eye on its growth, some of these fish can grow quite big and are formidable predators quite capable of taking fish over half their own size.