Is This A Mouse Or A Rat?

there's a lot of problems with the glue traps, including that people often forget about them and then instead of a quick death, or a somewhat slower death, the animal is stuck until it dies of starvation or dehydration, or until it chews off it's legs or rips all its skin off, which could well take days of suffering. Also there's the risk of catching other native wildlife that is harmless but could be in your walls (if you have mice, you might have snakes, too)
funny enough I do have snakes, its a boa constrictor in my sons bedroom,

In the UK I won;t get a snake problem

cheers Simon :rolleyes:
there's a lot of problems with the glue traps, including that people often forget about them and then instead of a quick death, or a somewhat slower death, the animal is stuck until it dies of starvation or dehydration, or until it chews off it's legs or rips all its skin off, which could well take days of suffering. Also there's the risk of catching other native wildlife that is harmless but could be in your walls (if you have mice, you might have snakes, too)

I think those things are just about the cruelest forms of torture available.
there's a lot of problems with the glue traps, including that people often forget about them and then instead of a quick death, or a somewhat slower death, the animal is stuck until it dies of starvation or dehydration, or until it chews off it's legs or rips all its skin off, which could well take days of suffering. Also there's the risk of catching other native wildlife that is harmless but could be in your walls (if you have mice, you might have snakes, too)

I think those things are just about the cruelest forms of torture available.

Agreed. At least neck snapping is quick. I won't also claim painless, as I've never experienced having my neck snapped, so I wouldn't know! But out of quick death or slow death, I'd prefer quick.
We live in the country and have mice come into the house. We have tried humane traps (not much use and nasty for the mice as you can't check every five minutes), we have also tried the little nipper type traps and they are also nasty as they sometimes get caught by the leg. I finally had enough and called in a pest control man and he put trays of poison down. We had a dog at the time so he made sure she couldn't get to them. The poison kills the mouse/rat within three days and then the body dessicates so there is nothing to get rid of. Any method is cruel/nasty but you can't have mice in the house. It is unhygienic and eventually the house will smell plus they can and do chew through electrical cables and could (and have) caused a fire. Poison is the best way IMO. BTW that was a mouse in your trap. Hope you are free of the little blighters soon! :) BTW mice droppings are quite small, like black grains of rice. I imagine rat droppings would be rather bigger. I am a bit of an "expert" on this due to living in a house in the country for 27 years!
i live in a suburban area, and didn't even have mice before my cats were born. why not keep a mouse as a pet?
i live in a suburban area, and didn't even have mice before my cats were born. why not keep a mouse as a pet?

I definitely wouldn't suggest trying to keep a wild mouse (or rat) as a pet. It is hard enough to keep them tame when you hand-raise wilds, let alone if you capture one that has been weaned already. They are pretty much always turn skittish and aren't very personable, in general.
Our wild mice are VERY friendly. Every time I catch one inside and put it outside, it doesn't want to leave me!
funny enough I do have snakes, its a boa constrictor in my sons bedroom,

In the UK I won;t get a snake problem

cheers Simon :rolleyes:

:lol: Maybe he/she would like some live food...

That looks like a mouse...
I prefer using snap traps with rats or mice, it won't torture the rodent like the glue trap does.
However, I don't have problems with rodents IN the house... But I do find giant ugly rats around eating my duck eggs!
But I assure to you those rats weren't happy for what I did to them ^_^
Life without rodents annoying your poultry is sweet!!
Destroy all mice in or around your home before they destroy your house!!
Kill'em don't Pet'em, Never keep a wild mouse or rat as a pet, who knows where they have been? Sewers or foraging in garbage dumbs maybe?
The only places to buy pet rodents is from the petstore or from a breeder ONLY!
funny enough I do have snakes, its a boa constrictor in my sons bedroom,

In the UK I won;t get a snake problem

cheers Simon :rolleyes:

:lol: Maybe he/she would like some live food...


While the sentiments are nice, it's not worth the risk to the snake. There's always the risk that the mouse will bite the snake and damage them, and exotic pet vet bills are NOT pleasant! :crazy:

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