Is This A Dyed Fish?

I'm not sure how the whole trademarking of living things works, TBH- while I can probably understand how you could stop others from carrying out the original modifying, I'm not sure how you could stop people breeding them as it's a part of their life cycle.
Unfortunately, some companies in the Far East are also having their names and/or trademarks tattooed on these poor suffering fish. Instructions on how to remove fins and even tails were graphically depicted in a magazine called, would you believe, 'Fish Love'. How's that for an oxymoron?. Personally, I'd 'modify' those responsible with a meat cleaver, see how they like it.
That 'lipstick' cichlid is dyed. Quoting the site:
"The colors are in essence tattoed onto the body. I believe this one is supposed to look like it has flowers on its sides. Is this what we want to be doing to other animals simply for our own pleasure?"

from azoo

Dear Sir,

Our flourescnet fish (TK-1 medaka) is sterile even they will lay eggs.

TK-2 zebra fish
We have no comment if you want to share fry with your firends. However, it will invade our patent if you sell them in the market without our authorization.

thank you

Hrm, interesting. So there's nothing stopping you breeding them as long as, thereoretically, you don't *sell* the fry...
I saw some of these for sale at a shop last week, £2.50 each, or 4 for £9
Well, I think that's what they were - looked like the above picture, and were labelled as "pink danios" . Perhaps I am wrong, particularly if they are actually illegal. They were very striking. However, despite the label's assurance that they weren't colour-fed, dyed or injected (I cannot remember for sure if it mentioned anything about their GM status) I thought they looked a bit unlikely and decided to do a bit more research on them before seriously considering buying any.

If they are glofish, I'm glad I decided against it. It may not be logical, and I am no geneticist, but I feel much more uncomfortable about breeding a transgenic fish by adding jellyfish genes to danios than I do about say, breeding bettas from other bettas. (or is that a poor example? Are bettas hybrids of two totally different and unrelated fish? Either way, I'm pretty sure both lines are at least vertebrates).

Was the store called Swallows in essex? If so thats where i got mine
from azoo

Dear Sir,

Our flourescnet fish (TK-1 medaka) is sterile even they will lay eggs.

TK-2 zebra fish
We have no comment if you want to share fry with your firends. However, it will invade our patent if you sell them in the market without our authorization.

thank you


makes sense there. they are incapable of stopping you from sharing with friends. A patent is worthless if ou can't enforce it, which is essentially what happens with giving them to friends as they have no way of stopping it. I'm sure they'd rather you didn't, but they can't do much about it.
PFK's got a news bit (need to be a member AFAIK)

I'm not too keen on the stance they're taking, TBH, either PFK or DEFRA. PFK seems to be taking them to be on par with dyed fish, which isn't true, and DEFRA and suchlike are to my mind incredibly hypocritical- stock/import a fish that has been modified to be a pretty colour, causing no harm or cruelty to the fish, face prison, a fine or similar, and the fish are probably killed. Import mutated BPs that have been dyed, fancy goldfish with problems caused by inbreeding, other dyed fish, even possibly tailess fish, and it's all fine.
tbh most of these companies or whatever are crap for fish health, RSPCA don't give a 'monkeys' about fish, and feeshy is right, I think these GM fish are fine, as long as they have the normal lifespan

oh, don't forget that dyed fish - the loophole in the law is just thick

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