is there any thing at all that can go

i have a smaller tank that i minght want to make SW if my brother gets a bigger tank for graduation, but he wants to use the 15 to put jewel cichlids in. and my mom will not alow anymore tanks in her house, lol.
the think with my tank is its a pentagon, and its not rectangular or square like the ones on that site. So I guess Ill stay away from SW

My 5 gallon is a weird shape kind of pentagonish I don't think it would make much of a difference as long as you found a piece of LR that fit or even a few good sized chunks of LR rubble. I would love the challange of doing a nano this size. I say go for it at worst it will be a learning experiance and the cost shouldn't be very much for a 1 gallon tank , I would think that you wouldn't need a heater ,if you kept it in an area that didn't catch drafts the heat from the light should be enough. The biggest problem might be circulation , but my 5 gallon does just fine with just the filter for circulation.
This place sells great LR rubble and LR grunge by the pound the shipping is very reasonable and the stuff always comes in two days from the day shipped( the grunge is on the Live Sand page) a few pounda of the grunge and a pound or two of the LR rubble should be perfict for the little tank. ( The last batch of LR rubble I got from them was loaded with small fan worms !!!)
what are fan worms? i dont have a filter for it, just a UGF. also would they need an airstone with the live rock? I minght do this when my baby guppies are all grown up. And its in my room, which is the hottest room in the house. Would an aircondinionar make it to cold for a SW tank w/out a heater?
My house is airconditioned too as long as it is out of the direct draft from the air conditioner it should be ok.

Fan worms are worms that build tubes to live in and just stick out a fan or what kind of looks like an Indians Headress to catch food particals then they suck the "fan" back in to the tube to feed off of it. They come in all kinds of sizes I have ones that are less than an inch long and huge Hawaiian ones that are several inches long.

I would ditch the UGF and get a small Hang on the back filter, the bubbles from the airstones do not move enough water for salts and I was told that alot of bubbles are not good for the fish. A small HOB filter shouldn't be too costly.

Your bigest thing to contend with will be water quality. If you do a water change ( about 5% of the water in the tank) every week and make sure to top off any eveporation every other day you should be fine. Salt tanks are a little more time consuming than fresh but I relly don't find them any "harder" once you get the hang of it.

Water changes are done with salt water top offs are done with fresh. In a tank that small you could probably use a bottle of purified drinking water for top offs. Be sure to get a gizmo to read how much salt is in the tank because you have to match the amount for water changes in that small a tank a little fluctuation would be a big deal.

Let us know how everything goes .And post photos of the LIttle tank once you get it going.
I'm still on the fence with it, but I really like SW tanks. I think Ill start it in July when the FW babies in there are old enough to move. And I know my brother wants a SW tank, so I wont have to pay for everything by my self, like I have to do now for his tank as well, but thats another story.
hey wrs,glad to see your not discouraged and are going to try saltwater.
raki pretty much answered all your questions, but I just wanted to add
that I too A.C. the room my tank is in, but I also leave my heater on,it
has a auto set point. sometimes, especially at night, an a.c. will bring the
temp. down too much,so having the heater in the tank is a fail-safe.
mine has an a think which will bring the temp to a certain temp as well. I think im going to be getting a heater for it to spead up the guppies growing, though so I'll have it for the SW tank when i get it all ready.

id really like to do a 3gallon instead, but i dont think my mom would even let me buy that. But she probly wont even let me do a SW tank though. Rrrrrrr!
Tell your Mom that you have lots of help and support from the people here in the forum. There will always be someone here to answer any questions you have. And it really would be a good learning experience and a good summer project for you.

You sound as if you are young may, I ask your age? But you also sound as if you know a thing or two about keeping fish. If I remember right guppies aren't terribly hard but keeping any fry alive long enough to grow large enough to put back in a community tank is not an easy task.

Like I said water changes and top offs should be a very low cost thing to do in figuring things out your biggest cost may be what you choose for a sub-straight and LR. Check with the local RC club in your area there may be someone willing to donate some items to your cause.

This is the address to the one in my area but look in the pulldown menu for one close to you. I know the people in my area are very nice and always willing to help a newbie. We even have a club that meets once a month and every one is welcome and no question is to dumb. I even have gotten free stuff from some of the people at the meetings.
lol, Ill tell her that. Im 18, people just think Im young because Im short, lol.
I'm short too, don't knock looking younger than you are it will pay off in the long run :D
Oh and I'm 46 so relitivly speaking 18 is young :D
And hey if ya gotta ask your Mom , I admire your respect for her. Most 18 year olds are too ready to jump the nest.

Sounds like she raised you right and I am confident that she will let you do a small salt tank.
I have to ask my mom because she takes me to the places, lol. I hate to drive, so I dont have a car. It makes me to nervous.
I think she will let me do a small one because im going to tell her its either that or a 55 gallon FW tank that I want. And I dont think she would like that. I do have a small 3 gallon now, but its a really cheap platic tank that im going to put some danios or something in. Maybe Ill just do a 3 gallon instead because I got a heater for the one, and theres no place to put it so i have to have to top kinda off, and there would be NO place to put a HOB filter. The 3 gallons only 11.99 and it comes with a top and I think lights.

I decided that Im going to put some Super Tongan Nassarius Snail and Bumble Bee Snail for the cleaning crew. And maybe some Red Gracilaria Feeding Algae, if its cheap. If I do get a 3gallon, are there any diffrent kinds of fish that can go in that, or still only the gobbies. I know my brother likes blue damsels, and theyre cheap at Petco, but I think they need 30 gallons. But Im going to wait till July to ask her.
Damsels are the cichlids of the marine world. Very territorial. 2 in that small of a tank would probably go at it until one died.. You could get some crabs.. How about a small ocellaris clown(think nemo). They don't grow very fast but will eventually get 4 inches or so.. Just one would make a nice tank.. :) Hardy too.
Damsels arent called Deveil fish for nothing. :crazy:
aw, i dint know that, and theyre so pretty. I do like clown fish though. And theyre only $10!
clowns are good. make sure they are nemo type... maroons, clarkiis and tomatoes grow large and aggressive. (these are damsels also after all :*) )

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