Is There Any Hope For His Fin?


Jan 11, 2007
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upstate new york
Okay so my aunt passed away last week and I'm housing and thus taking care of the fish she had till they find a better home. The breeding pair she had is looking good, but the single angel she had has 1/2 a ventral fin that has curled some. I'm Keeping the water extra clean for them right now as it is and the water temp is @ 78F. Is there anything I can do for it to help its fin regrow and straighten out or is it just going to stay like that from now on?
Well, could be a deffect. I've seen a vid of someones angelfish tank, he actually picked these angels on purpose to show people common defects.
Sorry to hear about your aunt. Just keep the water clean like you are. The lone angle might be getting picked on. His fin will grow but it will never be the same.
She actually had that fish separated before hand so I just kept him separate. Thanks for the responses. If theres anything else I should do for it let me know.

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