Simple answer is; no.
All tanks need water changes. Think about the nitrogen cycle that goes ammonia > nitrite > nitrate.
In freshwater there is no mechanism for removing nitrate, so you have to do water changes to stop that climbing to dangerous levels. One of the signs of a neglected tank is sky high nitrate.
If you had lots of plants and very few fish, you might not see the nitrate level rise, but then the plants would be using a lot of trace minerals from the water that would need to be replaced, guess how? Water changes.
I suppose, in theory, you could build a tank with lots of plants, not many fish and some sort of fertilizing/trace mineral dosing that could possibly work, but in the normal run of things, no. Even then you'd have the problem that some fish produce hormones that stunt their growth at certain concentrations, so you might find that the fish never grew properly.
Large, regular partial water changes are one of the keys to successful fishkeeping, IME. Cheap and simple too!