Is my Water reading strange?

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Fish Addict
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire - England
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7
Ammonia 0

Taken today with a Master Kit (liquid Test Tube)

I have recently had some problems with Ammonia in my tank, which killed a couple of my fish :-( So my Fish Centre provided me with Prime (red) to take away the Ammonia, and i have also been adding Cycle.

This is my reading today, which seems good, but should i at least have some Nitrates??

I have had my tank set up 6 weeks, have 20 fish, 2 real plants, and 1 small artificial plant, gravel, and a helmet for fish to hide, and another ornament, like a tree trunk, (that my clown loaches love)

My fish are thriving at the moment, as i have got rid of all the nasty stuff that had appeared (ammonia) i did a 25% partial water change, and everything looks fine.

I am quite new to all of this, so if anyone can look at my stats and advice me what they think.

Thanx alot
Claire x
I remember from another thread that you did have some ammonia so I don't know if it has cycled through or if you have gotten rid of it through water changes. The lack of nitrate would lead me to believe that the water changes got rid of it as a cycled tank should have nitrate. Keep checking it daily, preferably morning and night, so that you can make sure it doesn't shoot up on you again.

What size tank do you have? The clown loaches will get big so with the current fish you have, you probably need a minimum of 55 gallon, maybe more.
What does your tapwater test for nitrAtes ?
Since your tap water is free of nitrates and you have been doing a lot of water changes, that could explain no nitrates but I still feel that the tank hasn't cycled yet especially if you had 4 ppm of ammonia recently. Just keep an eye on the levels. Hopefully, you will continue to see 0s for ammonia and nitrite.
Ive done one recent water change 25% and i dont know what level my ammonia was, but it was obviously dangerous, and killed 2 of my fish :-( with the Prime(red) and Cycle, it all appears to be under control, but i am going to check every day till im satisfied, then once a week with my partial water change :D

Thanx alot for you help.... :clap:

Claire x

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