Is My Tank Ruined?


New Member
Apr 15, 2009
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Hi.... Im new here and need some advice. Due to some personal problems, I had to leave my saltwater tank for about a month. This is what I returned to find....

I have no idea what those white dots are and I dont know how to even start to cleaning the live rock pictured. any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. 100_0601.JPG
need more info.
What was in the tank when you left it?
Did you feed it or top it up in that month?
Can you test your water params
need more info.
What was in the tank when you left it?
Did you feed it or top it up in that month?
Can you test your water params

There was a puffer dog faced that found dead today. Other than that just the live rock thats in there. I was told that the fish was fed every 2 days with brine shrimp but not overfed.

My ammonia was ok, but everything else tested through the roof! The algea is all over the place as you can see...
need more info.
What was in the tank when you left it?
Did you feed it or top it up in that month?
Can you test your water params

There was a puffer dog faced that found dead today. Other than that just the live rock thats in there. I was told that the fish was fed every 2 days with brine shrimp but not overfed.

My ammonia was ok, but everything else tested through the roof! The algea is all over the place as you can see...

here is another pic

here is another pic hope it helps100_0598.JPG
nitrates will be high because there wont have been a water change.Now there isntr any fish in there. I would turn the lights out for 2-3 days. Do an 80% water change and then see what things are like after that
could fish death have had something to do with it?

as toxin release or anything?
leave the lights off for 2 days and do an Large waterchange.

you may want to scrape the algae off with a blade before doing a waterchange
Those white dots seem to be Spirorbis, a type of worm that lives in a calcareous tube. They are harmless.
Oh dear, that is awful to lose a dogface puffer, they are just so cute :sad:

As Ben says, the white dots could be anything from pods to snails, they are probably not a problem. I would do as Ben says and do a large water change, make sure you have a lot of water movement and switch the lights off, as you have nothing in there you can safely do this for several days.

what sort of a cuc do u have?
how big is the tank?
what are your stats?

Seffie x


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