Is my stock ok?

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Dec 31, 2019
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New York
I have a 29 gallon and I want to get some opinions on it's stock plan. Here it is:
1 koi angelfish
4 honey gourami's
Possibly one mystery snail
I was wondering if this is an ok stock and of I should add anything.
Thanks!!! :)
What gender are the gouramis?
I don't know. I don't have them yet as I'm planning the tank. I would assume male as they seem easier to come by.
Add some live bearers or schooling fish. But i like the fish that you have in it!
What kind of live bearer's should I add? At my lfs I have access to a rainbow of guppies, mollies, platys, and swordtails.
What kind of live bearer's should I add? At my lfs I have access to a rainbow of guppies, mollies, platys, and swordtails.

Before considering livebearers, what are you water parameters, particularly GH (general hardness) and pH? The fish you now have are soft water species but they can manage in moderately hard water. Livebearers must have moderately hard or harder in order to function and be healthy.

Aside from that, you need to keep in mind that your koi angelfish will fill this tank all by itself. At six inches body length with a vertical fin span of eight inches, even this 29g is small.
I would add swordtails they are my favorite.

Unfortunately this tank is a 29g and not adequate space for swordtails. Males attain 5.5 inches and females 6.2 and they like swimming space. Seriously Fish suggests the tank be no less than 120 cm (4 feet) by 30 cm (1 foot).
I have a 29 gallon and I want to get some opinions on it's stock plan. Here it is:
1 koi angelfish
4 honey gourami's
Possibly one mystery snail
I was wondering if this is an ok stock and of I should add anything.
Thanks!!! :)
Unfortunately, your tank may be a little small for four fully grown honey gouramis. These fish are best kept in 20 gallon tanks as pairs, and if you are planning on adding angel fish, they can be territorial at times so will need their space. Gouramis are very docile and will sometimes let other fish bully them, as for the snails they should be fine. Maybe you could add some corydoras, shrimp would also be a good call.
No only 3 to 4 inches they would be fine in there.

I will ignore your prior post and respond to this one which is in error by posting a link to a scientific site with accurate data. Please read it.

I hope you are not suggesting that the OP should keep potentially large fish in too small of a tank so they can become stunted and not grow properly.
In my opinion i think that a 30 gallon could have 3 happy swordtails no problem. But as for the r gouramis that may be too much because they are territorial.
Just to throw in there, sword tails do indeed grow 5+ inches with proper care.

Angels are even larger. A 29 gallon tank is insufficient for both fish.

Maybe something like corries/dwarf gourami/school of certain tetras
Id leave out the mystery snails, theyre useless snails as they dont eat much algae and will eat plants if you have any, plus they do better in cool water than tropical. Mystery snails do better in ponds or gold fish tanks, if you want snails that eat a ton of algae go with nerites, plus nerites come in lots of different colors.
As for an angel fish. Angels do better in pairs or groups plus as has been said they can get up to six inches and as cichlid are territorial and can get a little mean.
If you are looking for colorful fish that dont get big and arent as finicky as angels you could try Rams or apistogrammas then again they can be territorial as well but dont get as big.
As for gouramis i know nothing about them other than they are dumb stupid and boring lol

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